Saturday 3 January 2015

New year. Clean house.

In keeping with tradition, I have been sorting and cleaning (it's not technically spring, but I don't have any time off now until february, and it might not be freezing cold and piddling down with rain by then- better to get all this life changing stuff done with in january so that I can go back to being lazy but have better systems of organisation by February)

I hadn't intended for today to be quite so productive. Traff rang at 8am to tell me that it wasn't an emergency (The ONLY reason to call anyone before 9am is for an emergency) but that the next person hadn't come into work and wasn't answering their phone, so he was going to be working 14 hours instead of 10.
To be perfectly honest if he hadn't rung I'd probably have slept through until he got home at midday.

I got up because I was awake, Did some flat stomach intervention (2 days in a row- I'f I'm not a size 4 by next week I'll be really upset), cleaned the kitchen and tidied up a bit.
Then changed the bed.
Whilst looking for matching pillow cases, duvet sheet etc I remembered a hack on buzzfeed- Fold the sheet, duvet cover and 3 pillow cases together, and put them inside the remaining pillow case- so when you change the bed it's all easy to find.
As I'd turned the drawer upside down anyway looking for a pillow case I figured now was a good time to implement this hack.
Store Sheet Sets Inside a Pillowcase
And I found a pesky single sheet which catches us both out periodically- So That is a proper win. It can  now be removed from the draw of linen.
I had achieved what the book "Never hit a jellyfish with a spade" describes as "the quintessential  potter" - where you start with one task and each task leads you to another, productive task and the process is laid back and enjoyable because you don't really have to think about it.

Then I went to put the single sheet in the charity bag and found a load of massive spiders so I had to go and hide in another room.

I did manage to clear off the desk in the bedroom, the book case, under the dresser in the front room, the dresser drawers and the basket in the kitchen.
The places where clutter collects.
I managed to fill one new bag for charity and 4 bags of recycling- Turns out we're really bad for hoarding bits of paper and pens that don't work.

When you next visit, be sure to compliment me on my tidy and de-cluttered home.

My song for the day:

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