Sunday 31 August 2014

What to do when your stomach plays unfair/ How to do elimination & reintroduction and list of foods which cause common reactions

Righty, I try and keep my blog space a happy place- and to write about the things which make me happy and my adventures.
Recently several of my friends have been diagnosed with IBS/stomach problems, and having had issues when we have been out together, have been embarrassed to mention the issue or forced by circumstances- at which point they're usually relieved to find that I can completely empathise, and surprised.
I have posted here in the past about hospitals and medical appointments and weight gain associated with my thyroid, but not so much stomach stuff (Everyone needs to have a vent sometimes).

I'm not a doctor and I don't have any medial training- I can only pass on advice that friends and colleagues have given me, and reproduce the information I've been given by my doctor and dietician. Hopefully, if you're searching for help you find something helpful here.
I know what frustrated me the most when I first became ill was the lack of help or advice. I remember feeling very frustrated and alone- Stomach issues seem to be very taboo, despite the fact that 1/25 women in the UK suffers a thyroid issues and associated IBS/allergy/coeliac/ Crones something like 1/5 is diagnosed with PCOS- and again the associated stomach issues not to mention people who have mild reactions, intolerances, full blown allergies etc
This problem is exacerbated as often you'll be bounced around loads of people before a diagnosis is made- often it's assumed you've been given advice by one party so another doesn't divulge it- For example, 2 weeks ago I was finally given a list of foods considered to be "safe" or "issue" for people suffering coeliacs- I've been working with the dietician for 12 months. She assumed I'd already received this particular booklet and guidance and I spent 12 extra months in pain and poorly thinking I was doing the right thing.

I've spent the last 7 years searching the internet for help and on the whole have found it difficult to find useful advice- Some stuff is totally crackpot, and some companies really prey on people who are desperate to get their lives back- The NHS website is useful as it lists the symptoms associated with illnesses- so you at least know that you're not going mad, but in terms of managing them it's not all so great.
I've been lucky since we moved to the South East- My GP couldn't be more helpful, and I have had access to gut specialists and to a dietician in the last 2 years, however, the damage from the previous 5 under case of NHS wales is well and truly done. I would advise anyone who's searching the stuff on the net- If you haven't already seen your GP then do, if you have and they're fobbing you off get a second opionion. Be persistant. You know what "normal" feels like for you, if you're not feeling it get it sorted!

Right, The starting point for all of this- Whether it's a diagnosis you're after, you're pushing to see the dietician or a specialist or you're trying to find the issue foods you need to keep a food diary- it's the first thing consultants and dieticians ask for, and if it's not right you just get sent away to record the correct information over a period of time- thus elongating the time before you can receive help!

Your food diary should include:
1) All the foods you eat and the times you ate them- Don't be ashamed it's better to be honest here- I have had to admit to eating a whole box of magnums on a bad day but the dietician at this point isn't there to judge your choices, this is to find the problem foods.
2)Any reactions- e.g sickness, headaches, upset stomach, bloating, mouth ulcers/soreness and tiredness- it's not your job to associate them, jut record them and the times you noticed them.
3) Bowel movements- because you'll be asked in depth about when you "passed" and what it's consistency was- perhaps familiarise yourself with "The bristol stool chart".
4) How many drinks you have had- and if they aren't water, what they were- you're expected to drink 6 normal glasses of liquid per day- I try and drink a pint of water before each meal and one before bed as that works for me and ensures I drink enough, but you'll need to find what's right for you.
I tally my drinks on my food diary so then if I get a headache but can see I only had 2 drinks, that might be the reason- not whatever I ate.

You'll need to do this for a few months, then highlight any patterns- e.g whenever you ate something with pineapple you experienced a sore mouth/ whenever you ate full fat dairy products you experienced a stomach upset.
At this point you're just information gathering- you don't change anything and try and eat a range of foods you usually eat.

"Safe" foods.
These foods are considered to cause the fewest irritations to the gut- This information is from my NHS dietician and aimed at those with coeliacs/ crones- if you know one of these foods is a problem (For me, no broccoli, pineapple or rice! It will cause much regret!) obviously, don't eat it:
Fresh/frozen lamb without a sauce or coating
fresh/frozen turkey without a sauce or coating
Cooked carrot
Cooked celery
Sweet potato
Brussel sprouts
Any kind of rice
Rice flour
plain rice cakes
Rice noodles
Olive oil/Sunflower oil
Spreads from Olive oil or sunflower spread (Step away from the butter)
fresh herbs
Golden syrup

Preferred drinks are non caffeinated and not fizzy so rice milk based milkshakes, fresh fruit juice and water.

The Elimination diet
Ok- the next step is to devise a balanced diet from the foods on the safe list- aim to eat at your usual times and the same amounts of foods.
make sure your food diary is just as detailed as before- you'll need to follow this new "safe food" diet for 2-3 weeks. Record any symptoms.
At this point, you shouldn't have any symptoms- this diet needs to keep your stomach happy- if it's not right, identify the issue food and swap it for something else (Make sure you record this!) don't move onto the reintroduction until this stage is sorted.

For me, for example, I've had blood tests for Coeliacs, lactose intolerance, wheat intolerance and gluten intolerance (You can request these from your GP- especially if you're already in discussions about food issues you can even use the food diary to push for them if it looks like one of those food types is an issue)
So my elimination diet is really carb heavy, lots of rice cakes and toast and nutri-milk to make up the meals- but this is a short term fix for a long term problem- make sure you keep a record of your elimination diet once you've got it so that you're not suffering any symptoms- this is your go-to diet now for when your stomach is poorly as you know you're giving it a break.

you can only do this once you've got a problem free stomach- if you're still getting reactions go back to the elimination, the blood tests and GP until that is sorted, otherwise you'll just make yourself horribly unwell.

Sadly, this is the long and boring bit- it's all trial and error and it's frustrating.
You add one portion of tone food to the basic elimination diet plan for 3 days together. and see if there is a reaction.
So, for me I have my nutri milk in the morning, then rice cakes, then a jam sandwich, then porridge in the evening, and then a portion of onions- to test if onions cause a reaction.
And I do that for 3 days in a row.
Then pick a new food.
And I continue to record everything in my food diary as before.
Obviously, exclude anything that you already know to be a problem- e.g, I will not be re-introducing garlic unless I want to spend a week with a migraine- I've already added it to my list of no-go foods. Certainly don't re-introduce any foods which blood tests show an allergy to.

Once you know a food is fine, you can start to re-introcuce them to your normal diet- it might be worth getting a list of "fine" foods and re-writing your diet plan accordingly- otherwise you get some really odd food combinations.
Only add things in that you are sure are fine- if you're unsure, wait and test them again- it's worth doing this properly so that you only have to do this once!

Problem foods- these are the foods most people have issues with- that doesn't mean everyone does there will be things on here which are fine- and some which really aren't!
tap water
cows milk
soya milk (plain)
Beef- no sauce or coating
Chocolate- Dark chocolate
Chocolate- Milk/White- especially if cows milk seems to be an issue
Plain yoghurt
Pork- no sauce or coating
Rye bread
Beans- no sauce
Chicken- no Sauce or Coating
White fish- No sauce or coating
Oily fish- No sauce or Coating
Citrus fruits
Dried fruits

Some foods are difficult to obtain- if you want to test them but can't find them in tesco try

Right, at the end of testing all these foods you should now have 2 lists- one of things you should never eat ever again unless you want to spend a very long time in the loo, and things which are fine.
Using the list of things which are fine, devise a diet plan.
Make sure you're referring to your eat well plate and have all your food groups in there! If you're struggling or your list is very limited- or even just to check what you've done is right- make an appointment with your practice nurse to check it for you.
Make sure you take your food lists and food diary with you so that you can answer any questions.
They may also be able to give you helpful advice, as they tend to have more experience with dietary needs than GPs- and often are more understanding.

Congratulations! You can now live your life poorly-free!

What do to at restaurants/eating out:
OK, essentially you have 2 choices here- choice 1 is horribly irresponsible; "Secretary, clear my schedule tomorrow I will be unavailable" is my current standard- it means eat what you like but be prepared for the consequences- sometimes this us unavoidable- I often find at events or weddings where the menu is set or limited you're sort of stuck at go for it or go hungry.
The second choice is this: Every chain restaurant by law now has to show it's calories per dish on their website- on this "nutritional menu" they often show their ingredients too- so try and get that on your phone or computer before heading out.
If it's spur of the moment just ask- tell the server you're "allergic" to the food you're avoiding- and they'll usually be pretty forthcoming with a new menu or suggestions from the kitchen.
I know you shouldn't lie about the severity of an illness- but for some reason if you say you "react" or are "intolerant" to something, people often just assume you're picky and aren't careful to avoid that food type in your meal- an allergy conjures up images of culpability and law suits. Tell that white lie, I won't judge you.

Other helpful tips:

  • get a good multivitamin- if you have an upset stomach or are avoiding food groups you're going to be deficient in almost everything. Get a multivitamin with Iron. and B vitamins. I get mine from holland and barret for £6 per tub and they last me a month. Read the label carefully- some binding ingredients might cause reactions- if in doubt get your GP or practice nurse to recommend something.
  • Contraceptives- this one isn't applicable for the gents- As above, if you're ill all the time your pill isn't effective- the last thing you want is to be preggers and dealing with everything else too- you can ask for contraceptive patches which are the same hormones as the pill- or ask about other methods of contraception- the other advantages will be that your periods will be regular which is one less cause of stress etc.
  • Skin/hair- I often found that my skin was bad and my hair thinned before I got on top of my food reactions- looking ill made me feel worse- I control my skin reactions with my contraceptive, and there are shampoos available to help prevent hair loss- speak to your GP/ Pharmacist- increasing your iron intake also works wonders for both!
  • New hair in odd places- This is more a Thyroid/ PCOS issue but it's still horrible and the last thing you need when dealing with everything else- Speak to your GP as Laser hair removal is free on the NHS if you have a diagnosis for either of the above, but you will need to ask! Waxing is also really effective, and private clinics do laser hair removal as a cosmetic procedure if you don't want to ask your GP.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself- you'll get things wrong sometimes, fall off the wagon, drink a pina colada or whatever your food equivalent is- Don't worry, this gets easier- you'll quickly learn which things are OK and what's not. Talk to people and don't be afraid to cancel plans if you're not well or can't face it (I tend to cancel on people if the plan to eat italian food- sooo many potential pit falls!). no-one looks hot or feels sexy if they're bloated or sick, and sometimes you'll feel like the world is against you. Ask your GP for help- or the nurse- Some months I have to see my GP every week and I'm not ashamed to admit it- This is a massive lifestyle overhaul and it'll be hard to get used to to start with. Be honest with people- you'd be surprised how supportive they can be and maybe by how many people are going through the same thing.
  • immodium put it in your handbag. it will be your best friend when you get stuck on a train with no loo and a dodgy belly- or have to take a flight, or make a presentation- it stops your stomach misbehaving in 30 minutes. it can't help the cramps or bloating- but it will stop you being an olympic competitor for the 100m dash in the middle of an important works lunch.

Avoid like the plague:

  • Food testing companies. Companies which offer to do a blood test and then tell you what you're allergic to- if it was that easy, your GP would tell you to do it. They probably work well if you're otherwise healthy but get bloated occasionally. if you have a diagnosable condition- especially an autoimmune condition- they will just show up all kinds of false readings. Allergy UK recommends against them, as does the NHS and the dietetic society. It'll be a waste of £300. 
  • raw food/juicing/cleansing/detox etc almost all of those are designed to give people the runs- do you want to spend even more time on the loo?! Whatever "June in accounts" says, just smile, nod and ignore- you have a medical condition, it can't be cured by buying a blender.
  • most other people You deal with other peoples "brilliant" advice in the same way you deal with "June from accounts". You know what makes you feel OK and what makes you feel ill. your body is different from everyone else's- thats why this stuff is such a pain to diagnose.

Really helpful websites and people:
  • Allergy UK.  If you email them, they can put you in touch with one of their dieticians- so they can give very specific advice and they're so kind and understanding. Use them to help support your demands on your GP too- they can advise you of what to ask for as they're NHS dieticians- normally based at the JR in Oxford
  • Step by step They're a telephone counselling service, but they give advice on anxiety and stress-which make things like IBS 1000000 times worse! they're really understanding and will send you leaflets and helpful advice as well as listen whilst you offload- better to whinge at them than your partner!

I'd be really happy to hear if theres anything I've missed- I hope this stuff is helpful!

Saturday 30 August 2014

March (The place, not the Month) For Rugby

Today was not the best start ever. On Thursday I went to the osteopath for my back and neck- I've seen chiropractors and physiotherapists in the past so I had a reasonable idea what to expect as an aftermath- The Osteopath asked me what my plans were for the following day and suggested "Taking it easy" and told me to ice my neck if it needed it.
I inwardly laughed at that- Who needs Ice after a medical appointment?!
As you can see from my blog, I did not take it easy yesterday- which resulted in the worst neck, back and head ache I have ever experienced all of last night and most of today. I know it's just toxins and tension but it's still awful!
Urgh, I'm learning the hard way to follow instructions.

I dosed myself up on ibprufen and braved the rugby match in March- Although we got hideously lost in the Fenns for almost 2 hours. It turns out that the rugby pitch is by the high security prison, for future reference.
We arrived in time to have a burger van cheese burger before the start of the match- March Bears Vs Scottie's little soldiers- Who are a forces charity, they raise money for children who have lost their parents.
Traff's Brother Simon plays for both teams casually- and played a half for each team today. Gary and Sharon came to watch too, so did Mel and Chris- Traff's step sister and her husband.

The match was a bit of a flattening for Scottie's Little solders- but it raised awareness, and plenty of pennies from the bake sale, their merchandise, the huge charity raffle and rugby shirt auction- The raffle was amazing!
They had loads of prizes donated from local buisnesses including a massive chocolates hamper, kids toys, Alcohol, Potatoes from the local factories, nights in hotels, fishing passes etc
We bought 4 lines but didn't win anything- we never do have much luck with raffles! Traff's Brother won a few items and his other brother called the raffle, so we avoided amplified abuse by not winning!

Traff also got to go on the bouncy castle with Sharon's son Thomas.
Thomas won the boxing and the gladiators.

On the wat back we stopped off in peterborough. We had planned to eat dinner in the Brewery Tap- they do amazing Thai Fusion food.
We forgot that it was Saturday night- it was rammed and really loud. People were eating but people were also drunk and dancing round the tables so we gave that a miss.
We went ti Chimi Changas in the end, and the poor waitor poured a whole drink on Traff- It turned out to be his first night on the job!


Yesterday I met up with my Mum in London- She's been wanting to see the Henri Mattise cut outs exhibition at the Tate modern ever since it was first advertised months ago. It's not really my bag, but she did promise me some other interesting adventures so I agreed to come along for the ride.

We met at kings cross- Which is not a station I am familiar with unless you count repeatedly reading Harry Potter.
I come into London at St Pancras now, And when I lived in Oxfordshire/Wales it was always Paddington.
So, Discovery number 1 yesterday was that I have 0 phone reception in, near or around Kings cross! argh! I ended up standing at the exit for the tube station and staring at the crowds of people. The tactic paid off, but the londoners didn't like being stared at very much- and I only spotted my own mother because she was on Crutches.

After all that stress we went into St Pancras (It turns out that was where she'd meant in the first place..) to get coffee and cake from Payton and Byrne- Their Lemon drizzle cake is amazing (Thanks Sophie- you put me onto them ages ago, and I have to walk past their shop at the station for my train, I think 90% of return train journeys I am accompanied by a box with cake it it!). We decided to take the cake "to go" and head up to Tower hill to see the WW1 memorial at the Tower of London.
I've seen loads of pictures of this in the news papers and it looks impressive, but actually seeing it in person, and each tiny poppy being a persons life- It's very sobering. They will add poppies until remembrance sunday. To see all those lives lost and for that to not even be a complete representation of soldiers who died in the first world war is almost too much to properly comprehend.
It's beautiful, and it makes you consider fully the gravity of something which you've only ever covered briefly in History lessons, I also think it's very sad.

To allay our melancholy after seeing the poppies, we walked towards the river and found a bench to eat our cake on.
We took the river bus from tower hill to the Embankment for the Tate Modern.  I've never used them before- I was impressed with how quick it is and you get discount if you already have a travel card- I think it's about 1/3 off.
We went past London Bridge, Tower Bridge and the HMS Belfast- we even saw the traitors gate for the tower!
If it had been less fantastically freezing I might have taken more photos.

At Embankment we had a touristy stare at The Globe- I've never seen a play there.. I wonder if I am patient enough to stand for a whole performance.
My parents have been and really enjoyed the experience, I think they saw Hamlet.I'm not sure I know enough Shakespeare plays to pick a good one to go and see!

And on to the Tate.
We had fancy jasmine tea to warm up after the boat ride- As I'd been leaving the house , Traff had taken my Berlin 4 Euro coat off the back of the door and insisted that I take it because the forecast didn't look great.
I've never been more grateful to him!
It was really windy and spotted with rain all day in London- Some places even had their Air Con on still as It's August, so occasionally I also wore my coat inside.

We also managed to get a space on the balcony and see the view:

We were early for our timed entrance for the exhibition, so we had a look around the "dreams" gallery at the surrealist paintings.

The Cut outs were not quite what I had expected- I've only ever really seen the cut outs when Matisse had "refined" the technique- things like "The Sheaf" and "Oceana". It shocked me a bit to see how rudimentary the origins of the "cut outs" were- it started off as a way to look at potential compositions for paintings and as a model.
Then it turned into it's own "Thing".
I liked some of the paintings in the Jazz series- I liked "wolf" "toboggan" and "dragon". But there were others I really did not understand.
There were loads of people with sketch books drawing from the exhibition and even though there was a very strict and enforced "no phones, no cameras" policy there were plenty of sneaky photos being taken!
I liked the older work and I was surprised how much mixed media, ceramic and glass work he'd done- I never knew he'd worked with anything other than paint!
It was interesting.
I learned something.
I'm still not a massive Mattise fan, but he seems like an interesting and eccentric artist.

After the exhibition we went for Dim Sum at Dumplings Legend in China town. My mum had never had Dim sum before- So we took ages to order as she wanted to ask millions of questions.
She enjoyed it though so when Kirstie is Unavailable I do have a Dim Sum eating partner!
After china town, we decided to walk to Covent garden for a drink, but when we got there it was crazy!
We thought it would be quieter in Holborne so started walking that way-Somehow my mothers beer compass is wonky and we ended up back in Leicester square.
In the end we went to a cocktail bar just off the Strand called "The Nook"
Cocktails were £8 but as it was happy hour it was 2 for £12 which is a pretty fair price- and they were massive cocktails- served in jam jars!

After cocktails we realised it was pretty late- We headed for our respective national rail stations- I had to run the length of St Pancras (No cake this time) for my train as I got off the tube with 6 minutes to departure time.
I spent the whole ride home red and panting. Classy.

Thursday 28 August 2014


On Saturday we went to Berlin- My excellent planning had us leaving the house as 4am for a 6am flight- landing in Germany at 7am.
We landed about the same time Traff got back from dropping us off at the Airport.

Hayley met us at arrivals, and took us back to her flat for cake and lots and lots of very strong coffee. Their flat is amazing! it's really Soviet looking and the owners have made it really modern inside- all white painted plaster and exposed brick work with wooden fixtures and vintage furniture - Hayley has been collecting event posters to decorate the walls- which looks pretty cool.
 Once we were super caffeinated we headed out to the town centre to see all the touristy sites.

We started with the reichtag, Brandenburg gate and victory memorial

Then the holocaust memorial and the terror museum- Which was quite harrowing for a holiday visit.

Then the art market, Museum Island, the outside of the cathedral

And then the supermarket for chocolate and alcohol!
They don't sell spirits and mixers to go like in the UK- I ended up with bitter orange and sparkling water, crem de menthe and lemonade and a wine spritzer- everyone else had beers.

We stopped off for bagels and the headed back to the flat for an evening of alcohol and watching Frozen.
I liked frozen more than I'd expected I would.

On Sunday we started the day with breakfast cake!

Then headed out to one of the markets- Second hand markets are a massive deal in Germany- in the trendy areas in the East they even have karaoke and entertainment- the items tend to be very expensive and it's really aimed at tourists.
In the West, it's still a place to trade things you don't want any more- loads of bric-a-brac and second hand clothes, bathroom fixtures and soviet era home furnishings.
Pretty cool way to shop!

I got a coat for 4 euros- and a pair of brand new green boots for 10 eruos, and a blue H&M dress for 2 euro.
Hayley bought her own weight in knitwear and ray picked up some skirts and t-shirts too.

After the market we got take away pizza and took it back to the flat to eat.There are loads of Turkish and Italian people living in the West, so you can get excellent pizza and kebabs very cheaply. And ice cream. 1 euro per cone. :D
I could not live in berlin and not be the size of a house!
In the evening we went to see the East berlin art gallery- it's graffiti art painted on the remains of the wall- and some of it is very powerful.

Then we went to check our a bar called white trash, which has flame throwers and a tattoo parlour.

Then for drinks on the way back to the station. the bar had sliding bathroom doors- which was weird.

We also stopped off for Burgermeister burgers- which are amazing! I could eat them for every meal-they even did a fried tofu burger!
:DIt smelled sooo good!
I had ment to take a photo but remembered as I was finishing the last bite of my burger! Ah well, there will need to be a next time!

Monday was Ray's birthday- so we had more cake for breakfast

and then went to the zoo.

After the zoo we had planned to go clubbing in White Trash, but after all the walking we decided on a beery and moochy evening in.
Tame, but 25 is an old age!:P

Whilst we were at the zoo, Dai  had got ray a birthday cake and candles!
Very impressive!

On Tuesday we went to Pottsdam- Pottsdam was the kings town and is a really historic place- with buildings and architecture in "quarters" so there are dutch buildings and businesses in on place, russian in another etc etc. It also has a number of impressive palaces.
We didn't see any of that.
Ray and Hayley spent 7 hours shopping.
It was exhausting!

Then we had ice cream!
More famously delicious berlin ice cream served in a specific ice cream cafe!

On the way home we got a double decker regional train! yay!

Wednesday was our last day in Berlin- We went to the resale shop- and bought traditional clothing with West germany or Soviet labels in them- I got two dirndle skirts for 4 Euros which was amazing! I wish I'd had room for more clothes!
I had a whole basket of clothes to try on but tricky decisions had to be made regarding bag space.
We spent ages in the shop browsing and trying clothes on- Ray found a leather jacket with a "made in west germany" label for 20 euros! It's just soooo cheap!
I suppose it's a part of history that many people our age or older remember, and would like to forget, which makes the really iconic clothing quite unpopular.
In the fashionable districts in the east they sell the same items to tourists for 10 times the price, but it just doesn't seem to have caught on in the west in the same way.

After shopping and lunch from the Turkish supermarket, we took our bags over to Whitr trash to meet Dai, Josh and Katie- they arrived 5 hours before we flew home and it was pretty weird seeing them in the middle of berlin!
We only saw them on Porthcawl last week!

After milkshakes and photos, Hayley took us back to the airport- which is where the fun started.
Our flights were delayed by almost 2 hours- we had to eat an awful lot of zoo biscuits to keep ourselves busy.
We landed in the UK at 11.30 and finally cleared passport control an hour later!
We got back home at 3:30.
twas a very long day!