Friday 5 June 2015

Paddle boarding

Today we headed out on the lake-It's been windy all week but today was perfect, a bit breezy but really sunny and warm.
A little too warm for a wet suit tbh, it's almost T shirt weather again.

I'm really gutted, I put the camera in my bag but it fell out in the car! It's a shame because today was like being on a nature trail- We saw woodpecker, yellow hammers, wag tails, mallard ducks with ducklings and it was so sunny that we could see all the pond weed on the bottom of the lake. It was beautiful.

We paddled out into the wind out onto the lake- it took forever so I'm sure I will have beautiful arms by the summer! we got out as far as the markers or the end of the wind surf square and then moocked about.
Traff spent a while trying to sit on the buoy/ marker without much success- on his final attempt he launched himself at the buoy from standing and missed it completely!

May, Tina and I lay flat on our stomachs on the boards and were blown back to the shore- it was much more relaxing than usual!

I've been having a bit of a look online- I've  really wanted a life vest/impact vest from O'neals for ages. whilsy looking online they finally have one which is an ace colour (I/e a women's one and not pink!) They also have a wet suit without arms which I like the look of, and a long sleeved swimming costume which blocks UV! yayyy no more sunburn. one day. when I can afford all this- each item is almost £100.
Lottery win please!
And then for my own board!

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