Sunday 7 January 2018

Post swimming coffee

Tracey and I have been saying since September that we'd go to the gym together. We made plans and then every week we'd end up with a meeting/ appointment/ huge urgent thing that needed to be done.

We finally made it on Saturday! Ray, Tracey and I went Swimming. Not quite the epic gym session I was hoping for but it was good. A positive start to the new year anyway, right?

The nearest swimming pool to me is the Victorian one with a big stained glass window at one end of the pool and wrought iron fittings. It's actually really impressive to look at was you swim up and down. Distracting.
It was apparently used in the Morse series "Endeavour" (Filmed most recently, but technically the first in the series, then comes "Morse" and then "Lewis", almost all filmed in Oxford, except one swimming pool scene from Sunny Swindon courtesy of the Health Hydro, so, now you know..).

After swimming we went for Coffee, mostly to avoid walking home in the rain. We went up Comercial road and we were going to go to Baristocats, but we ended up in theItalian Deli because they had a sign up saying £1 coffee (And let's face it, January is always a lean month).
The coffee was amazing and they had proper Italian pastries.
It'll be a regular coffee adventure!

They also do home made pesto, cakes, fancy pasta and baked goods so when I'm less skint I'll be sampling their wares.

The tables for coffee drinking are right by the fancy wines. nothing makes you careful like a shelf of £64 bottles of bubbly...

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