Saturday 13 January 2018

Cycling adventures

Today I met up with Tracey- after delivering her a bike. She has joined the same gym as Ray and I (Hence the swimming) so she was hoping to cycle to the Gym but didn't fancy cycling on the roads (I don't blame her either, Swindon has really busy roads and loads of roundabouts, it's a nightmare to negotiate by car, let alone on two wheels and at the mercy of car drivers attention spans).

Swindon actually has an amazing cycle network, and all the paths are well away from the roads, through parks and countryside. which is really refreshing but also a bit counter productive as it's hard to find out about the network and the paths are very poorly signposted. Some of them are in google maps but most of them aren't, so that makes them difficult to use and navigate even when you're on them.
Ray has taken to just memorising routes and so I have just adopted the same technique for places I visit often, walking the routes first with google and an OS map, then cycling them once I'm sure I won't end up super lost or on a dual carriage way (Or worse, the M4). 
I can now get to Tracey's, Lydiard, Old town, the canal and Wroughton. I think that's pretty accomplished.

I cycled to Tracey's to see Albie and catch up, then we cycled back into town then to mine.
We had flowering tea, made cookies and had fancy lunch! Pasta with salad and feta. We're experimenting with the pasta but so far Lidls is winning!

We cycled back to Tracey's through Manington, and she told me that B&M have the county chocolate spread on sale for £1 (It's almost £3 in sainsburys). On the way back (Muddy to my knees from the woods) I stopped in and got all sorts of goodies including the chocolate spread. I had a bike basket full of croissants and mini baguettes! Very european!

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