Thursday 25 January 2018

No work Thursday! Just this once

OK, usually I do go to work on a Thursday but I awarded myself a day off. 

I wanted to try and make the clutch bag pattern that I posted to my G+ account:
 I have tons of fabric that is too small for a major project but is at least a fat quarter size so that would be perfect.
I drew the pattern up, and then realised that I don't have any decent buttons, so I made that my charity shop mission.
As you see, for £2 I have an impressive selection now!

I'll have to add my pattern to my project bag for Sunday.

I ended up getting distracted by watching "The Undertaker" on Netflix whilst supervising Marley's outside play time.

I did join her outside for a quick go on the trampoline, and then realised that the crazy weather we've had lately has actually broken a fair few of the main, big branches on next door's tree (The one Marley gets stuck in all the time).
They'll fall down on their own, and they're both heavy and stuck so there isn't much we can do until the weather improves.
Sadly they're directly over the trampoline (and the shed!) so we'll have to be careful for a bit. 

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