Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Word game

Traff and I have accidentally invented a new game- it came from a misunderstanding in a text where I corrected my spelling and Traff used the single word text to create a new sentence.

I'm all for text games! I have unlimited texts but since I got whatsapp I barely send 20 texts per month- I need to up my phone usage!

We've been playing this game for a few days now and managed to remain reasonably high blow, but it has now devolved in to politics and childish remarks- I've also got a few of my colleagues playing the word game now too- I shall await my next text!

Todays game transcript reads like this:

Him: Occipital

Me: The occipital lobe is one of the 4 lobes of the cerebral coretex.
Me: Indubitably

Him: The Conservatives are Indubitably a bunch of wankers

Me: Juxtaposed

Him: The conservatives are juxtaposed to the greens, making them look like a bigger bunch of wankers.
Him: Indelible

Me: The rude symbol drawn on the mans face was there to stay as it was drawn in indelible ink.
Me: Ecumenical

Him: The head of the church is all for Ecumenical thinking.
Him: Lunting

Me: Once his pipe was lit he was able to lunt whilst walking and enjoy his surroundings, Lunting really was a most enjoyable pastime.
Me: Propagate.

And now we await a sentence.

It seems a bit childish and silly, but it has been quite interesting and thinking of unusual words-or receiving texts of unusual words and having to find out their meanings- will improve my rather stagnant vocabulary. I guess with my work I use an awful lot of untaxing vocabulary and an awful lot of science specific vocabulary but no fancy adjectives or anything.
It's probably true for most adults, once you leave education you rarely come across taxing or unucual vocabulary. Just jargon!
Maybe I'll learn something.

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