Friday 3 October 2014

Totally crazy Scientific week

This week has been insane.
I worked 12 hours yesterday, 14 the day before and 12 on tuesday- I only did my usual hours on Monday and Friday.

I spent Tuesday getting to grips with google stuff and making my workspace look nice.

On wednesday night we had an open evening with lots of cool demos and sciencey stuff-
This is our wave machine made of glow sticks

This is Glen demoing circular motion with a sparkler

And this is a whoosh rocket- A plastic bottle filled with evaporated ethanol taped to a zip line. ignite the ethanol fumes and off it goes!
I'm glad Glen did that one as I'd have ended up with no eyebrows!

Thursday was a good day too but I forgot to take my phone! I went pond dipping in the name of "Conservation" but actually because I had loads of paperwork to do and didn't fancy it (The paperwork is now in a huge pile on my living room floor)
And found newt-poles (Their official name is much less cute) and loads of midge larve- unfortunately the biting kind.
I also caught the biggest water boatman I've ever seen in my life.

After work Abdul and I ran a STEM workshop- We did burning money- Soak the money in 50% proof alcohol and then ignite it to burn the alcohol off. Not always 100% effective... Don't use actual notes! monopoly money maybe!

We also did alloying.
- Boil a copper coin in sodium hydroxide, then add a spatula full of zinc powder and continue to boil for a minute.
Remove the coin with tongs and run under the tap- and it should be shiny silver.
Hold the coin in a blue bunsen flame and it turns gold- As the copper and zinc alloy.
I'd never seen it before and was super impressed.

Today I have nothing exciting to report- Work was normal and I didn't get to do anything whizz bang-y. I sent lots of emails about Fajitas and ate too many samosas.
Now my jeans are uncomfortably tight.

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