Saturday 19 July 2014

The River Festival- Saturday

River festival day! Today is also exciting because it was a bit of an old colleagues re-union.
I met up with Val from Brownies, and her boyfriend Sam- And we headed into the festival. We met Michelle and Hannah pretty quickly after as it wasn't all too busy in the morning- and the threat of rain kept people indoors.

We mooched around the stalls- bought some fudge- and saw some of the events taking place on the river- I have no idea what the real name of the jet pack thing is- but it looks awesome!
I would quite like to have a go!

Then we went for lunch in The Kiln- Primarily known for pottery painting- which also does really yummy smoothies and cake. I highly recommend their Carrot cake but the icing was too sickly even for me! They do an awesome cream tea too, but it is far too hot for all that dry scone and hot tea.

After our super healthy lunch we headed back out and met Jess, Reg,Hazel, Simon and Gemma- Somehow we managed to lose Val and Sam- but I think they wanted some couply time.
We saw the boat parade. Hazel liked the Thomas the tank engine themed boat, I liked the christmas themed one and Karl was chuffed that the Mayor waved at us.

We walked along the embankment to Russel park, and sat in the sun to listen to the bands on the main stage.
And remove Hazel from the flower beds and anything else she shouldn't be climbing.

At about 4pm we were all so worn out from the sun and all the walking, we decided to turn in for a bit- Si, Jess, Reg and Hazel went home to get changed, Michelle, Hannah, Sam and Karl came to mine for ice pops- I think they're my main food group at the moment.

We walked back through the festival but on the opposite side of the river to get to the vietnamese for dinner- I bought Traff a present- A signed Nirvana CD- but I've hidden it so he'll see it when he next puts the laundry away.
We met up with John, Marta, Santay and Andy for dinner- It was really good, as usual- and I tried 2 new things:
1) Vietnamese iced coffee- it's a very strong filter coffee, filtered onto condensed milk. You then stir it all together then pour it over ice.
It was delicious.
It's just a shame it seems to have kicked in now, rather than in the restaurant when I needed it!

I also ordered rice rolls with pork for my main- I've never eaten anything like it before and it was yummy. Weird, but good-weird.
Unfortunately, it's not a very pretty dish.

We left the vietnamese really late-10:30- just in time for the fireworks! After, Karl walked back with me to pick up his car- and I realised I'd missed Ayesha and Salma who'd come to the fireworks because it was too loud to hear my phone.
I'll have to meet them in the week and be very apologetic.

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