Wednesday 16 July 2014

One of "those" days- It starts with a wrinkle in time and ends in A&E

This morning actually started by Traff and I both being worken up by a parrot making a noise like a video recorder at about 5:30am.
We were both greateful the other had heard it as it was almost too weird to be true.
We went back to sleep, and when we woke up it was sunny and bright and we cwtched up for a bit- had a chat- Traff harvested the chillis off his chilli plant whist we waited for the alarm to go off- Only when I photographed our chilli yield on my mobile phone did I see that it was 8am.
I start work at 7:30
Traff starts work at 8am
We both set 6:40 alarms- and neither of them went off! I suspect it's something to do with 3 as we're both on the same network- 2 of my colleagues were also late because their alarms didn't go off, and they're with 3 too.

So, I got ready in 5 minutes flat, jumped in the car, was driving down the road and almost had a head on collision with a blike who pulled out of a side street at far more than 30 without looking. I saw him and beeped- he then did an emergency swerve-stop but my god did I almost have a heart attack.

Finally at work, my morning meetings went OK, except that I'd forgotten to put any deodorant on! and my afternoon flame testing activities were awesome- Then I had home ed. and got berated by creationists over my godless and heathen upbringing and my belief in sciences.
Finally got home at 6:30- so I more than managed to make up my time I missed in the morning!

We watched an episode of lewis.
And as I got up to go to bed I could feel that my ear was all fluidy and swollen. I lay in bed for a bit with my ear throbbing and then Traff said that I should go to A&E- This is my 5th Ear infection in 4 weeks and my 3rd course of antibiotics.
So we did.
And we waited 4 hours to be seen- which is fair as it technically was neither accident nor emergency, but due to my lack of immune system it was the right thing to do.
So, more antibiotics and paracetamol for me.

The Doctor told me in a smug way that "Middle ear infections go away on their own in time, without any antibiotics" I told her I'd had this since mid June and she told me to be more patient. Perhaps that would be easier if I didn't have a noisy, standing up job.
So, It's 3am and I'm dosed up on antibiotics and painkillers.
Off to bed for me now- I've cancelled all my morning meetings at work- I plan to make my 11:45 meeting with the area STEM co-ordinator although I might be a bit blearry eyed.

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