Friday 25 July 2014

Stand up Paddle Boarding

We got given free vouchers for a taster session of Stand up Paddle boarding at The River Festival on Sunday.
I actually booked this the same day because it seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up. Ayesha, Salma, Karl and I all went together.
Ayesha had to wear her contact lenses- so had to wear a snorkling mask over them!

The Lady who runs it was really lovely- loads of texts and emails and advice on what to wear (She said it's waaayyy to hot to wear a wetsuit so to just wear shorts and a T-shirt over our swim kit- which it fine by me!) The sessions run at Brogborough Lakes which is like 20 minutes from my front door and I never even knew it existed!
Usually it's £25 for a lesson, or £10 to hire the kit and have an hour out on the water, so actually, that is quite a do-able price.

The first thing we had to do was put on the "board shoes"- I think I will buy my own of these if we start to do this properly- they're made of wet suit with a grippy bottom so you don't fall over.

Then we collected the boards and wetsuits- the session started with a run through of how to do everything on the land before we got onto the water.

Then, onto the water- the lady made me go first, god only knows why- so thats why I'm further away from the bank that everyone else- not because I'm amazing.
You kneel up by the banks incase you lose your balance as you don't want to fall in and bash your head on the bottom.

Once you get out a bit deeper you can stand up. I managed to stand twice. Karl and Ayesha were really good at standing up though!

Lots of core stability required- my legs hurt for 2 days afterwards!
It was ace though- I'd go again!

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