Friday 25 July 2014

Crafty activities in Chippenham

I went to stay with my parents for a few days whilst Traff was away- My mum had her other hip replaced 2 weeks ago, and had been out of hospital about a week, so she's pretty bored, and my dad is all frazzled over the household chores.
In return for some "home help" (mostly cooking, washing up and laundry- but I did also sort the fridge out and do the shopping too!) My mum supervised 2 more sewing projects:

1) The 1980s pencil skirt-
This was a pattern I got from the Sally Army charity shop when I bought the velvet blazer- This is a really nice pattern, it's straight forwards, it fits and I'd make it again. It's 4 pieces and a zip- 4 darts and otherwise it's pretty easy.
I need to put the zip in by hand as I don't have a zipper foot for my machine though.

2) The prima batwing top.
This was a disaster.
Very easy to make- it's 2 pieces and then turning the collar and sleeve cuffs- you could do it in an hour- I made it out of printed cotton, and it makes me look 9 month pregnant.
I might cut it down the front and make a jacket.
I'll try it again with a drapier fabric. Maybe I can get a maxi dress or jersey skirt to cut up in town.

We also went to Ikea. for 4 hours. and my parents almost got divorced.To get the fabric for the batwing top, and to buy a banana parasol. It's an experience I don't wish to discuss, but I did get flamingo glasses, Kilner style jars for my alcohols (So now I can go fruit picking!) and adhesive labels for my xmas presents.
I also got to have a hot dog and fries!

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