Thursday 31 July 2014

Paddle boarding, Blackberrying and apple scrumping

Today we went paddle boarding at 9:30.
Toooo early!
Karl and I are both off now, so we're just accommodating the wifely one who's still at work (He's being made redundant on the 15th, but he has a new job to go to on the 25th so he does get 10 days holiday for camping in before James and Lis's Wedding).
Usually we see Emma when we go, but her Boyfriend, Sam, Got the short straw and was up blearry eyed and early to greet us. 
It's actually really nice to go in the morning, it was a bit chilly to start with but the sun soon came out and warmed us up if not the water. I now have weird tan lines where I've been wearing my board shoes.
Sam gave Traff as shorter board for a bit of a challenge- normally we use 10 foot boards, as the longer they are the more stable they are- you get skinnier ones with pointed noses for racing too- but we're a long way off that.
Traff accepted the challenge and raised the staked by successfully completing 4 headstands on the board.
Karl and I still struggle to stand up!
The guys who run the lake are usually in no rush to kick us off the water- especially in the week when they're not busy- we did get an extra 15 minutes, and could probably have had a bit longer if we didn't have to get the wife off to work.

After all that exercise, Karl dropped Traff in town for work, and then we went for lunch in luscious- I had a salad of my own concoction from the salad bar- and then lemon polenta cake for afters.
Karl had panini and chocolate brownie. I had food envy.

I forced Karl to come blackberry picking with me- When I walked to work yesterday there were loads of blackberries on the hedgerows- So today we went into the woods and the nature reserve and I cannot believe how many berries we collected- Usually it's the end of August for blackberries not July!
There were still loads that aren't out yet, so I'll go back again in a few days and get some more for making jam- This haul are for baccardi.
I also picked apples from some of the apple trees in the woods- I'm pretty sure the red ones are eating apples, I suspect the green ones to be cooking apples- but it will be all the same if I make them all into a n apple pie at the weekend.
I can't think of much else to do with that many apples.
Maybe an apple cake?
Apple sauce?
I think the options are a little limited.
We got back to the flat not long before Traff got home from work, so now we're mooching about, waiting to go for a pint for Andy's leaving do.

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