Friday 28 August 2015

Sorry for being so quiet...

As you may have guessed, by the usual pattern, I have been quiet because I have done very little.
I have done very little because I've been poorly again.
Which sucks.
Traff suggested that I am more open with people about whats going on with me- after the crazy week as documented- I'm really embarrassed and uncomfortable talking about this stuff so this is my outlet for the time being.
I feel like I'm making a big fuss and stealing everyones attention. "Fuss me! I'm sick!" I hate people knowing I haven't been well. It makes people anxious that they're going to make me ill, and since I don't know why I'm ill I can't really provide any guidance.

I had an MRI on Tuesday at the hospital. Which is progress of a sort and I'm pleased that we will be able to rule out (I am assuming they show nothing) anything really serious. That will be one step closer to a diagnosis and then hopefully finding some way to manage this chaos.

It got off to an interesting start, theres nothing like the question "Do you know if your lung is held in place with clips? And if you do, are they metal?"
Right before entering a magnetic field. Not so reassuring.

Traff insisted on coming with me and booked the day off work, I laughed at him because an MRI is a solitary experience and I warned him he'd be really bored.
However, After having a really fun reaction to one of the drugs they gave me  and spending between 11am and 4pm with my face in the toilet I was really grateful for his support (Laughter) and humour.
It was so bad the MRI nurses let me have my own toilet. and an absorbent mat for the taxi ride home. And an adult nappy "To make me laugh". It did make me laugh. I'd never seen one before.

They were really supportive and humorous too, as was their porter. They certainly made the experience more bearable. I filled out a comments card at the end and they were like "But you don't know about the services we offer- you've only seen our loo!"

I was totally out of action once we got home on Tuesday. I slept through all my studio ghibli DVDs and Traff made me cups of tea and korean dumplings to keep me alive!

I was so dehydrated from shouting at water that on Wednesday I'd lost 5lbs (all water, but still interesting, especially interesting to see the effect of dehydration on the darkness and size of my under eye bags. urgh!).  Dehydration is exhausting and aging.
Queue day 2 in bed watching TV.

Yesterday I managed to go out. mooching round town and for coffee and cake with Tats, Vicky and Kelly at fancy. Which cheered me up greatly.
I think cake is an excellent way to recover from a horrible 2 days.

I'm feeling much better now and I'm off on my adventures. however self pitying this may read as, I'd like to assure you that I am not!
I see if like this:
Either you can be scared that you'll be ill and stop doing everything that you enjoy, feel sorry for yourself and miss out. Or you can write off the rubbish days as unlucky and grab life by the balls when you're feeling fine.

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