Friday 20 July 2018

The Faglage table

Traff started his table finally!

When we were in America, Traff started to collect bottle tops that were unusual to make a table top with he wanted all the bottle tops to be different- no repeats.

He forgot the word for "collage" and kept telling bar tenders in America that he was making a "faglage" table.
I dread to think what faglage might actually be or could be inferred as.

However, it was hilarious so we didn't correct him.

He's been collecting bottle tops for ages as he didn't want any repeated ones and our friends have been helping too and posting the tops from all over the place. So for ages we've just had a box of bottle tops.

My Dad gave us an old garden table to use a few months ago and today, finally Traff brought a glue gun and started his project. Only 4 years in the making!

And then it rained.. so progress has been halted for today. I will post a picture when it's finished.

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