Saturday 14 July 2018


OK, to clarify, we don't have kittens technically.

Our neighbour has a really sweet tabby that isn't 'done' so it has kittens pretty much all the time. We hadn't seen the cat for a while and the kids told us it was because she'd got babies.

On monday we saw her outside in our next-door neighbours garden with her two babies.

Now, you may recall that Marley had a boyfriend.. black, fluffy, orange eyes? well, for the more Jeremy Kyle among us it looks like Marley's boyfriend was cheating on a wife and kids. he's been around to help out a bit but really he's not taking any responsibility. Maryely hasn't seen him lately either.

The kittens are really cheeky and they've dug a hole under our fence to get access to our garden. which is fine when Marley is in the house (she doesn't have a cat flap so she's allowed out when we're home but not otherwise. We experimented with leaving a window open but we just ended up with a house full of cats). but she she's out it doesn't work out well.

So, one of the kittens evidently thinks that Marley's garden is his territory so he fluffs himself up and approaches her. She made some sad, anguished noises as he approached but when he hissed at her she lost if and smacked the kitten in the face twice before I could grab her.
Then the Muma tabby turned up- but she knows she can't fight Marley and win so she just started yowling, so Marley made her whole range of weird noises and the kitten escaped.

We've been seeing the kittens bumbling about quite a bit, but we're worried now because they seem to be living in a bush in our next-door neighbours garden. The children who own the cat told us that Muma cat won't go home because whilst she was pregnant they got a puppy. The puppy is very barmy and frightens the cat.

So, this cute furry family have been living in a bush for a week now. Today I rang the RSPCA for advice and got none. Actually, they couldn't have been more unhelpful.
So we don't really know what to do...

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