Saturday 28 July 2018

Roller derby/First aid

Today I left the house to walk further than the corner shop for the first time since Wednesday. I'm still feeling a bit horrible, but I look less awful so that is an improvement.

I went to roller derby today. I thought about bailing but this week was the final fresh meat session so I wanted to go, it was game day and I'd offered Morris a lift so it would have been a bit harsh to just bail.

It also transpired that BBC Gloucestershire were coming to do some filming- If it ever makes it to the internet I'll post the article (obvs). My skates will be famous.

So training went well, the BBC did their filming then we had a break, set up for the scrim and the reporter left. All as planned.

Everything went really normally until the end of the first half, when one of the skaters was taken ill. She suffers from epilepsy and had explained what the other skaters should do if this happened so they were able to treat her quite quickly.
We were just setting up for the second half when she was taken ill again. This time it was a more serious seizure and she stopped breathing.
Thankfully a number of the team have military roles and therefore have amazing first aid knowledge and skills.
They were able to give mouth to mouth until the ambulance arrived.

This made me realise that my first aid is not very good. I can do basic stuff, but in a real emergency I couldn't help.
Another skater and I flagged down the ambulance from the road, as the venue was very rural but honestly that was as useful as we could be today.

The girl who was poorly was stabilised by the paramedics and taken to hospital, hopefully we'll get an update on how she is soon.

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