Saturday 14 July 2018

Melon farming

It's so hot outside that I've been growing my watermelon in the back garden and they're doing so well!

Most watermelon.. or melon actually.. are sterile, so you can't grown plants from the seeds. So last year when I first tried this I had no luck for ages and then suddenly, loads of luck.
This year I started- my first water melon on the season- was a giant moroccan one and they seem to work.
I planted all the seeds from the melon and ended up with 10 viable plants.

I also planted the middle from a honeydew and ended up with one viable plant.

I posted last week that my honeydew plant- which is a monster now and as tall as the breakfast bar, had loads of flowers on it. Now the watermelon plants have flowers too. I was a bit weirdly disappointed that all melon flowers are yellow. and daisy sized. I think I was expecting them to be more epic, like a courgette maybe.

 I really don't know how I'll keep them alive through winter, but if i do manage I might have fruit!

Suggestions for over wintering are very welcome. we don't have a greenhouse and whilst our house is really lovely it can be draughty in winter because of the chimney. add to that a cat with a need to sit in any container and our plants don't stand much of a chance. She even ate one of my cacti.

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