Saturday 14 July 2018

Cycling for Mind

I'm pretty sure I wrote on here that I'd started this challenge, and during the second week I received a parcel.

I had a lovely letter of encouragement and a tube-style scarf to wear to keep bugs out of my mouth (tbh, I think I've consumed more protein during this challenge than ever before. I have swallowed so. many. insects.)

I think I might try wearing the scarf for roller derby, as my helmet keeps meaning my forehead all spotty as the fabric is super lightweight, but at the moment it's just sat on the coffee table as I feel it's first use should really be on my bike.. but it's too hot for any additional fabric!

I will wear it before the end of the challenge!
I am determined!

I realised after receiving this letter that I've never actually taken part in a formally organised sporting event before. So this is all new.
I'm so pleased and excited about a scarf... imagine what I'll be like with a medal...

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