Saturday 14 July 2018

Cycling Challenge update- week 2

I originally signed up for 100k (60 miles) but in the previous 14 days I've managed to completed 136k (84 miles).

So, I've upped my distance to 209k (130 miles) as that is the next available challenge distance. I think this actually might really be quite a challenge as with an injured foot and the weather being a bit less predictable (it has been gloriously sunny but is forecast to be pretty rainy as son as the schools break up at the end of next week).

To be honest my entire success is down to the good weather and working my compressed hours. Because when I have a day off in the week, I want to soak up some sunshine but don't want poor Marley to be stuck in, so I tend to do an epic cycle ride in the morning and hen mooch in the afternoons.
I've also been cycling to work, which is so much faster- it's halved my comment (but I'm still late most mornings because the cat is too cute and I can never find my keys). I've also been cycling to my violin lessons and to the gym!

Ray and I cycled to old tow for cake on Friday evening. I rode my old vintage bike and ended up with two flat tyres so I really did work for that dessert!

Today I cycled out to Purton Woods and around Shaw Forest. It's just such a great way to explore!

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