Saturday 14 July 2018


sorry, I've been a bit hopeless at updating this lately. To be honest I've been so bust that I always think "yeah, I'll do that tomorrow" and then never quite get there- So, this afternoon is dedicated to updates!

Last weekend Traff and I went paddle boarding at Brogborough Lake. I love paddle boarding and it makes me sad that there aren't any really good places around here to go. So every now and then I force Traff to accompany me to the other side of the UK.

We were so lucky, the weather was perfect, the water was warm... It was so relaxing.

After paddle boarding I wanted to try an opportunity that I saw advertised on the way to the lake- One of the fancy hotels in Middleton Stoney (The exit off the A34 before the M40, directly after BP)
This hotel:

Has an offer to "dine and dip" so for the cost of a £10 bar snack you can swim in their pool all afternoon (that's pretty good as most lidos are £5 or more each to get in). I was totally psyched for swimming because it was so hot, even thought it meant putting my wet swimming things back on. but when we got there there was a wedding and the pool is right by the wedding lawn. So we chickened out and just ended up going to the chequers for food. We ended up there once before, I cannot remember why but their food is incredible.
So, if you do "dine and dip" dine on something small so that you can gorge yourself senseless at the chequers just down the road.

We both ended up hideously sunburnt, but it was definitely worth it!

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