Saturday 27 February 2016

What happens when your relationship is "old"

Traff and I have been together for almost 8 years. Compared to most of our friends we have been together for a very long time.
I am frequently asked what it's like to be in a relationship for "Such a long time" or what happens when "you get past the intense bit".

You have a laugh.
That is my answer.
There won't be many things you don't know about each other once you've been together this long. And you won't really have any hang ups any more. We really do just spend our entire lives together "messing about". We also teach each other things.

Traff has taught me an awful lot about skincare. He has always been a massive Biore pore strip fan, although this was a guilty secret of his when we first met.
Now he frequently whatsapps me pictures of him in the bath covered in pore strips. I think it's quite funny that he has a more intense beauty regime than I do. I just wash my face with soap.

So, this is us, watching "Longmire" on Neflix cleansing our pores. This is what you all have to look forward to kids.

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