Thursday 18 February 2016

Hospital. Start again.

So, after the bit where I get told that I still need to lose 1 stone and a half to reach my "optimum healthy weight" (honestly they're never happy). We met with the consultant.
He has decided to discharge me from his care and seek an opinion from addenbrookes.  Which is fine.  I just don't really know what the point if my going in for that appointment was. They could have just sent a letter, no?
I don't really care what we're calling this "digestive issue". I really just need to know two things:
1) how do I manage the pain I am in? as we seem to have concluded that this is how I will feel for the next 50 years of average human lifespan.
2) what can I eat that isn't breakfast cereals?
These two questions never get answered. So I take boxes of ibuprofen and eat coco pops.  And it looks like I will have to do both of these things forever. Or until I get liver failure or die of malnutrition.
I am feeling pretty fed up about it all at the moment.  I cried lots on Tuesday. The lack of support or advice frustrates me. I just need someone to tell me what I can do or try or read.  someone with more understanding of this than me. Because so far 7 years of trying to figure this all out on my own has landed us at ibuprofen and coco pops.
I don't know what I'm doing and I'm sick of being sick.
I am completely on board with the idea of a second opinion.  Especially a second opinion from someone who understands my thyroid condition and my pcos- hormone stuff is addenbrookes speciality- so hopefully they'll be able to offer advice. I just hope that it doesn't take years. Again. To reach the conclusion that they give up and tag someone else in.

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