Sunday 7 September 2014

Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and S. Gloucestershire... & Bri's Baby shower

It's been a crazy weekend!
On Friday I went from work to my sister's house- I hadn't seen her since Berlin and I wanted to find out about her Birthday and her University exam results- So we had a good catch up for a few hours, and she provided cupcakes.
I'm really chuffed as she's booked for us to go to Harry potter world on the 31st October (When it's Death eater week.. not that I've looked or am excited or anything- I'll be unbearable by halloween!)

I went to Abi's in the evening as she's back in Oxfordshire having started a new job at Oxford uni- I haven't stayed over at Abi's family home since I was at Secondary school- It was like being a really tall teenager- not helped because I forgot my toothbrush and her mum had to give me a new one.
She was laughing at me, saying I'd been just as useless with my belongings 12 years ago too.
I have no changed!
It was brilliant to catch up though- Whilst Abi was in Durham we only saw each other once every 9 months to a year- but now she's closer hopefully I'll see her a bit more- I'd like to see more of all my Oxfordshire based friends if I'm honest I don't know why I'm so awful at arranging things as it's really not all that far!
I promise to be better!
On Saturday we had croissants for breakfast with home made jam! Abi's nan made the jam, and it was awesome- and spent ages putting the world to rights.

In the afternoon Abi and her mum headed off to the animal sanctuary (To adopt a dog, it later transpired) and I went to meet up with Sophie- Also at her Childhood home as she was dog sitting for her parents.
It's been a bit of a nostalgic weekend!
We had a really good catch up and Sophie made yummy cupcakes too.

On Saturday night I stayed over at my parent's in Chippenham- the main reason for all of my roadtripping was to be in Clevedon on Sunday for Bri's surprise baby shower- my parents live 40 minutes from Bri's so that was prefect- and they do make a good gin and ice tea cocktail.

We met at the Tescos in Clevedon so that we would all arrive together and Surprise her properly- Whilst Chaz got the lat minute bits from Tesco Alice demonstrated her driving skills!

We also brought the Baby cake that Chaz, Sah and I made when I was staying at her's before James and Lis's wedding.
Chaz made curry for everyone for dinner and Beca made cupcakes for afters- all of which were delicious!
Sah said that our group meetings seem to bring on Labour- Her Labour started when we were in Buffalo bar in Cardiff having a pre-xmas drink and dinner with everyone from uni, Although as yet, no baby!
It was a lovely afternoon - It was brilliant to see everyone and catch up- and Bri was really pleased too as she had not expected it at all.

I left about 4 planning to be home by 9- And was doing really well until I managed to join the M4 towards Cardiff and add 30 minutes to my drive!
I deffo don't live there anymore!
By the time I'd got close to my parents it was 6pm and I was hungry- I thought I'd stop off at the 50s style diner on the A420- And it was CLOSED! "Unforseen circumstances" Bah.
I didn't find another pub that was serving food and by the time I'd got to the M40 by little chef I only had an hour to go so I just manned up a bit.
Other than being starving hungry, the drive was really nice- the roads were quiet so I got to take in the views of Oxford from the A420 and the changing leaves in the countryside- I always think Oxfordshire is very beautiful.
It's getting to be autumn now- The shadows are long in the evening and the light is all yellowy- This is my favourite time of year- in the evenings- My minolta camera catches the yellowy light prefectly. My favourite photo I've ever taken of Traff was at a wedding in Leicester, outside in a field with the shaddows all long and the light all yellow.
Perhaps I need to do some more photography.

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