Saturday 20 September 2014

Home made Xmas challenge update

I am finished!
All of the 26 people on my xmas challenge list will get their home-made goodies on the 25th December!

I also have to admit that I sold out too- Yes, I did make all the presents I had planned to- and then I looked at them all and started to stress that it didn't look like "enough".
So, Despite this going against everything I was so determined I would stand for, Today I added to each of my presents- Costing me a total of £70- So all in all I don't think I can be accused of selling out in a big way.
I also made a point of only buying hand made or fair trade items.
So I did stick to my original principles sort of.
I still have my baccardi to portion up and my jar collection is ready and waiting for xmas biscuits so perhaps I was a little hasty in deciding that my recipients might be disappointed.

I don't think the majority of the population has any idea about the cost of wool or fabric- so a present which has cost a small fortune to make, in the end can look quite stingey.
That is something I will need to bare in mind when I start this all again for next year. I will need to plan better and be firm with myself that each person gets one present only! Otherwise it can feel like you're on a textile based treadmill.

I am relived to have finished early. I was worried I'd be still working on projects whilst despertely trying to post them off at the start of December. I'm collecting show boxes and plan to deco-patch them to keep my presents safe as they make their way through the postal system.
Otherwise, I did buy a stamper in germany- so along with my tree and dinosaur stampers I think I could have a go at making my own wrapping paper.
That would be pretty cool.

I've really enjoyed this challenge- I've learned loads of new things:
Dress making
Pattern cutting
Clay pottery
Silk painting
Soap making
Candle making
Bath bomb making
Alcohol infusions
And now I'm starting to learn to crochet from a pattern too!

This has been a great experience and as far as my new years resolution went- which was to learn more crafty skills- I can say for sure that I have met it.

I will post photos of my xmas challenge presents once they are wrapped in my home made wrappings- and after xmas I'll post a photo of all the things I have made this year, obviously I can post pictures of the biscuits and baccardi sooner.

So, what remains now is to start to think about what my theme for next year will be!
I plan to concentrate on just one skill for my xmas challenge next year- rather than having millions of different things on the go at the same time (unless people ask me to make something specific)... which turned out to be both stressful and mindboggling at times.

I will keep this up- I stand by what I said in December- We're too materialistic and we don't need half of the things we are given over the festive season.
I think it would be far more positive and less wasteful if people really thought about the gifts they were giving, how much they're spending, and if what they're giving is actually going to be appreciated- is it useful? Is it tasteful (for the recipient)?
Everyone receives presents which we know were a panic buy 3-for-2 in boots or wherever over xmas. Usually containing products we'll never use, and even so it's cost the giver somewhere in the region of a tenner.
Surely a decent conditioner or something mundane like socks or pants or teabags would have been a better use of money, and at least appreciated if the giver knows the recipient well enough to know what kinds of things they use at home?
Or just a nice card?-If someone knows you that little, maybe you shouldn't be exchanging gifts at all! saving that person from a mad dash around boots with arms full of box sets and quite a few tenners.

I only give presents to very close friends and family. It's supposed to be a token of appreciation for that person and the effort they make to keep me sane and get me out of my house every now and again- I want them to know that I'm grateful and honoured that they keep me in their lives despite the fact that I couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery and I never arrive less that 15 minutes late- I'm sure they must see past all that for my more elusive, redeeming qualities.
Therefore, the fact that I have spent hours picking out materials and working on items for them over the last 9 months should help signify how important they are to me.
There will be no box sets from boots. Or any other outlet.

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