Monday 17 February 2014


Today I met my parents in Cambridge- My Dad had never been before, and my Mum had only been when she lived at Newmarket and she and my Nan, Grandad, Aunts and Uncle got the train to the coast for a holiday- We're talking the 1950s and a steam train here. The story goes that everyone wore their Sunday Best and my Nan wore high heels, As she got onto the train she lost a shoe and the guard had to retrieve it with a hook on a pole.

Anyway, Today we didn't get ant trains or lose any shoes.
We went shopping.
I got new bobbins, white cotton and a 20mm crochet hook. My mum bought the whole of Debenhams. or thats how it felt anyway.

All that retain therapy left us starved, so we went to Don Quixote in the market square for Italian food- I rather like it in there as the food is good and the walls are artexed.

This was my giant gorgonzola pizza!

After dinner we went to have a look around the market- We looked at fossils and bread and flowers and clothes and then spent ages looking at books.
I almost got some new margaret Atwood books but talked myself out of it, In favour of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca but by the time I'd decided someone else had snapped them up.My mum bought some books on birds and advice on planting a small garden.

I also took note of the bikes in Cambridge- I'm wanting to strip and respray my bike (I think Orange with pink glitter) so I've been looking for vintage bikes which have been resprayed to try and convince myself it's ok to completely change a vintage item if it makes it better and keeps it from ending up a rusted useless mess.
I found this one which looks pretty snazzy:

And then I found my bikes younger, sleeker cousin and went back to worrying about ruining my bike as it could be beautiful if I restored it properly... but that might be more difficult that starting again? and I's stull have to strip the paint from most of the frame to sand the rust..
My head and heart and in conflict.

On the way back to the car we stopped off at the sweet shop. This is quite possibly my Dad's natural habitat.

He looks so happy and at home.
He's always said he'd love to run a sweet shop.
Finger crossed one day he will!

And when he does he can stock the harry potter sweets and then I wont have to pay £4 a pop to buy them! I think they're probably imported from America. I wanted to try Bertie botts every flavour beans!

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