We had a really lovely day :)
We went to Camden- and we had yummy camden street food! (I really wanted thai but they have a new moroccan stall so I had that instead and discovered buttered chicken! - yeah, its probably really really bad for me but its yummy!).
Traff spent all his money as soon as we got there! he got a skull face mask to wear to keep his face warm on his bike and he got a bib for sarah and Dan's Baby Alice (she's super spoilt as we sent her a parcel of goodies yesterday- a buggie blanket, little outfit (leggings, Tunic top, red velvet jacket) and a proper pink coat with fur around the hood from monsoon).
I got a new jumper- its really cool with a screen print of houses and trees on the front (yeah, it doesn't sound like much but you'll be well jelly when I post a picture!) I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately and I think that was to blame for stopping me spending total fortune.
I know I'm not supposed to be buying jumpers as they've become a bit of a personal obsession - but this one isn't knitted. so it's different. so thats ok.
I've been wearing my blue dotty one to death and its gon a bit bobbly (yeah, ok ray you can say it: Bobbleoff -from JML)
We also went to Cyberdog- which always makes me sad I'm not a size 0 and living an ecstasy fuelled 90s existence.
They now has a weird fetish sex shop under the stairs that wasn't there last time.
On the way home I got a Lemon meringue cupcake from peyton and Byrne at kings cross station
(I haven't had a cake since I went to cardiff on the 21st December- and before that I hadn't had a cake for about a month and a half- I know, I'm like a different person! I'm ok- I just realise that normal people don't eat cake every day, so I've cut down).
Anyways, the cupcake was amazing. if you're in kings cross and have to wait for your train you should get one!
We got home and the nice man from the letting agency had been and fixed the oven and the fan in the bathroom!
We don't have to eat cous cous anymore! because we have a working oven so we can cook stuff. AWESOME.
I'll admit that after 4 days of cous cous I'm glad I don't have to eat any more. We had sandwiches for dinner anyway as we'd expected this to take longer to fix.
I can't wait to have a hot dinner tomorrow! I'm so excited!
I've also done another couple of squares on my patchwork blanket tho I doubt it'll count as my "new years resolution once per month craft" much before the summer!
I'm very jealous that Jen is already planning to make another dress for Hednas and I can't even finish a damn patchwork blanket! I've been truly outcrafted. I need craft lessons or something.
We're gonna watch celebrity BB now- normally we shun such crappy TV- but Traff and I are curious.
I imagine 4 min into it we'll remember why we normally don't bother- I never even liked it when it was cool and it was the early 00s.
We used to have drama lessons and have to act out bits of big brother. I always hated drama anyway. having no idea what was going on only compounded my feelings towards the subject!
yeah, I've got a bit off topic now.
Traffs Just turned himself into that bloke from the prodigy fire started video with the reverse mohawk so I'm gonna go find out what he's doing.
or at least force him to shave the rest of his damn head.
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