Monday, 13 August 2012

Accidental bike pub crawl

we had a lovely day- My parents came and brought my mums old bike for traff. we had coffee and we went to toby carvery for lunch with traff after he'd finished work.

We had a lush time but when we got home and mooched about and got a weeny bit bored. so we thought we'd go for a little cycle. which turned into a pub crawl. which was not a good plan.. poorly head today.

 our method of transport.. have a goood look at traff's very manly purple bike.

our first pub- the bluebell in putnoe. They have darts and an avery with lots of birds. I like this pub.

One pint was not enough... so we ventured onwards towards the balloon. on the way we found the wellington tucked down a side street.
they sell ales. including Bass.
and Eggs.
mostly to old people.
cool pub though- check out the bike loops!

We then took a stroll over to the balloon. which was awesome. and I played my first ever game of pinball.

we followed this up with a trip to the fox and hounds and watched the closing ceremony. we drank rather too much. traff cycled into a fence on the way out of the carpark. haha.

We went home and had some more drinks- limeaid and raspberry spirits. woop!

We then ate an apic quantity of cheese on toast and I didn't burn the house down.

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