Tuesday 26 January 2016


Traff and I have been watching lots of Anime lately, Some have been awesome, some have been odd and some have been downright awful!

This is our current "watch this on Netflix" list, although, you can watch them online for free too if you have a computer that works better than mine... ("Sorry, we cannot support your browser, please update your browser and try again")

Anime is awesome because it's bonkers. Anything goes- That isn't to say that it can't be "high brow" or "serious"- most of this stuff on the list  is aimed at Adults- but some of it is truly mental.
Very creative.

OK, The current awesome list, in order of my preference:

1) Psychopass
(2 seasons and a film that is season 3,  only season 1 is on Netflix but 2 and the film are available to buy/ stream)

2) Death Note
(2 seasons, both are on Netflix)

3) Black butler
(2 seasons on Netflix and a film I can't find anywhere that came out in 2014)

4) Blue exorcist
(2 seasons on Netflix, and a film available to buy/stream via other sites that does not strictly follow the story. It feels like there is a season 3 somewhere but I can't find it- the last episode of season 2 has the trailer for it though...)

5) My little monster
(1 season, I haven't found the second season but it feels like there should be one)

I've finally watched the final fantasy movie which is pretty good, but you do need to know the game plots to make it sensible.
We watched Koutora san, which was pretty odd but definitely aimed at children- It was insightful but there was an awful lot of crying and teen drama.. and pervy grandparents?!

We're now watching Attack on Titan, which is weirdly brilliant.
Tats is also going to bring me some box sets of dramas that she thinks I will like.. I'll be speaking Japanese fluently before I know whats happened at this rate!

I have also finally found a website that has all the new black butler TV spin off series- as well as loads more stuff than netflix!

Check it out.

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