Here are the finished articles from the workshop!
Here are all the coloured glass pictures the group made:
This is my power station glass plate:
My mum went for a more conventional look:
The cooked stag beetle:
The cooked Macintosh made by my mum:
Glorious glass creation's website isn't working at the moment, but they have a Facebook page:
A new story written by Beatrix Potter more than 100 years ago, featuring Peter Rabbit, is to be published for the first time.
The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots was rediscovered by publisher Jo Hanks after she found a reference to it in an out-of-print Potter biography.
Quentin Blake, best known for his work with Roald Dahl, has illustrated the story, to be published in September.
Potter had only completed a single drawing to go with the manuscript.
Image copyrightQuentin BlakeImage captionArtist and illustrator Quentin Blake has created illustrations for Kitty-in-Boots
She sent the story to her publisher in 1914, saying it was about "a well-behaved prime black Kitty cat, who leads rather a double life".
The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots also features an appearance from an "older, slower" version of Peter Rabbit.
Ms Hanks, a publisher at Penguin Random House Children's, found a reference to Potter's letter to her publisher and the unedited manuscript in the 1970s literary history about the author.
Three manuscripts were then found in the Victoria and Albert Museum archive, handwritten in school notebooks - a rough colour sketch of Kitty-in-Boots, a pencil sketch of villain Mr Tod and a dummy book, with some of the manuscript laid out.
Image copyrightNational TrustImage captionPotter intended to go back to the story but never did
Potter said in letters, also kept in the archive, that she had wanted to finish the story but "interruptions began", including the First World War, her marriage and illness.
Ms Hanks said: "The tale really is the best of Beatrix Potter.
"It has double identities, colourful villains and a number of favourite characters from other tales [including Mr Tod, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Ribby and Tabitha Twitchit].
"And, most excitingly, our treasured, mischievous Peter Rabbit makes an appearance - albeit older, slower and portlier!"
An extract from The Tale of Kitty in Boots by Beatrix Potter, published by Frederick Warne & Co at Penguin Random House Children's
Image copyrightFrederick Warne & co/The V&A museumImage captionBeatrix Potter's original illustration for Kitty-in-Boots
Once upon a time there was a serious, well-behaved young black cat.
It belonged to a kind old lady who assured me that no other cat could compare with Kitty.
She lived in constant fear that Kitty might be stolen - "I hear there is a shocking fashion for black cat-skin muffs; wherever is Kitty gone to? Kitty! Kitty!"
She called it "Kitty", but Kitty called herself "Miss Catherine St Quintin".
Cheesebox called her "Q", and Winkiepeeps called her "Squintums". They were very common cats. The old lady would have been shocked had she known of the acquaintance.
And she would have been painfully surprised had she ever seen Miss Kitty in a gentleman's Norfolk jacket, and little fur-lined boots.
Now most cats love the moonlight and staying out at nights; it was curious how willingly Miss Kitty went to bed.
And although the wash-house where she slept - locked in - was always very clean, upon some mornings Kitty was let out with a black chin. And on other mornings her tail seemed thicker, and she scratched.
It puzzled me. It was a long time before I guessed there were in fact two black cats!
Ms Hanks said Blake "had to be" the one to illustrate the newly-discovered story.
"It's a challenging brief to illustrate a manuscript written over 100 years ago by one of the world's most beloved authors, but we knew that Quentin's energy, rebelliousness and humour were in keeping with Beatrix's own artistic sensibilities, and therefore exactly what this fantastic book called out for," she added.
Image captionBlake said he was 'fascinated' to be asked to illustrate the book
Blake said: "It seemed almost incredible when, early in 2015, I was sent the manuscript of a story by Beatrix Potter; one which had lain unpublished for 100 years and which, with the exception of a single drawing, she had never illustrated.
"I liked the story immediately - it's full of incident and mischief and character -and I was fascinated to think that I was being asked to draw pictures for it.
"I have a strange feeling that it might have been waiting for me."
This year marks the 150th anniversary of Potter's birth. The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots is being published by Frederick Warne & Co, Potter's original publisher.
Traff and I have been watching lots of Anime lately, Some have been awesome, some have been odd and some have been downright awful!
This is our current "watch this on Netflix" list, although, you can watch them online for free too if you have a computer that works better than mine... ("Sorry, we cannot support your browser, please update your browser and try again")
Anime is awesome because it's bonkers. Anything goes- That isn't to say that it can't be "high brow" or "serious"- most of this stuff on the list is aimed at Adults- but some of it is truly mental.
Very creative.
OK, The current awesome list, in order of my preference:
1) Psychopass
(2 seasons and a film that is season 3, only season 1 is on Netflix but 2 and the film are available to buy/ stream)
2) Death Note
(2 seasons, both are on Netflix)
3) Black butler
(2 seasons on Netflix and a film I can't find anywhere that came out in 2014)
4) Blue exorcist
(2 seasons on Netflix, and a film available to buy/stream via other sites that does not strictly follow the story. It feels like there is a season 3 somewhere but I can't find it- the last episode of season 2 has the trailer for it though...)
5) My little monster
(1 season, I haven't found the second season but it feels like there should be one)
I've finally watched the final fantasy movie which is pretty good, but you do need to know the game plots to make it sensible.
We watched Koutora san, which was pretty odd but definitely aimed at children- It was insightful but there was an awful lot of crying and teen drama.. and pervy grandparents?!
We're now watching Attack on Titan, which is weirdly brilliant.
Tats is also going to bring me some box sets of dramas that she thinks I will like.. I'll be speaking Japanese fluently before I know whats happened at this rate!
I have also finally found a website that has all the new black butler TV spin off series- as well as loads more stuff than netflix!
I have to face facts, I recently updated my ancient Macbook to run Maverics (I know, I'm still an OS behind after all that!!) because I could no longer open any webpages (long story short, my OS was so old that none of the updates for any of my programmes would everything slowly stopped working).
I was forced to make a choice between speed but mostly not working programmes or everything running very slowly.
It's been OK for about a week but now the computer is turning on very very slowly. I have decided this may be the time to back up everything in case of disaster. It is sad to think that this computer is so very old.
Most of the files on my computer are photos, so I have decided to utilise Flickr and upload as many as possible (Going back to 2009- Everything before that was lost when my last computer blew up) and then if I run out of space (They only let you have a terabyte, do they not know how many photos I take?!) maybe I will delete some that I don't like so much.
So, I am newly initiated to the joys of online file storage. It makes me a bit nervous.
I do appreciate that I am still 10 years behind the times as really I should be uploading them to Instagram (Hayley, you're just too technologically advanced for me) but my issue really is privacy. Being one of millions of other anonymous online bloggers photographing their dinner is one thing- Adding all my photos to Instagram or Flickr makes me a bit edgy.
We shall see if my fears are well placed.
Incase you every wondered how many photos didn't make the "cut" for my blog posts or for FB here they all are in their technicolour glory:
All I have established, as Flickr orders them by date, Is that some days I should be very grateful I'm not still using 36mm 32 exposure film. Otherwise my developing bills would be bankrupting me.
When mum and I were looking for inspiration for the glass workshop we fired up her old external hard drive which goes waaaayyy back to 2004.
These aren't all the best photos we found but this a selection of golden oldies. ..
My mum ordered a madeline pan from Amazon, so we had to try it out. it turns out they're basically individual swiss rolls- I haven't made a fatless sponge since cookery in school!
Next I'd like to try Rachel Khoo's version...
This recipe for madeleines à la crème au citron was given to me by my friend Frankie Unsworth who, like me, studied pà tisserie at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. The batter can be made in advance and then baked in time for tea: madeleines should always be eaten fresh from the oven.
Beat the eggs with the sugar until pale and frothy. Put the flour and baking powder into a separate bowl and add the lemon zest.
Mix the honey and milk with the cooled butter, then add to the eggs. In two batches, fold in the flour. Cover and leave to rest in the fridge for a few hours, or overnight.
Meanwhile, make the lemon curd. Put the lemon zest and juice, salt, sugar and butter into a small saucepan and heat gently until the sugar and butter have melted. Remove from the heat.
Whisk the egg yolks in a bowl, then add to the pan and whisk vigorously. Return the pan to a low heat and whisk constantly as the curd starts to thicken. Don’t stop whisking or the eggs will curdle (if the curd starts to boil, take off the heat). Once the curd thickens and releases a bubble or two, remove from the heat and pass the curd through a sieve into a bowl. Place cling film in direct contact with the curd and refrigerate for at least an hour, preferably overnight.
When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Butter and flour a 12-shell madeleine tin. Put the lemon curd into a piping bag fitted with a small, pointed nozzle and place in the fridge.
Put a heaped tablespoon of batter into each madeleine shell and press a raspberry deep into the batter.
Bake for five minutes and turn the oven off for one minute (the madeleines will get their signature peaks), then turn the oven on to 160C/325F/Gas 3 and bake for a further five minutes. Transfer the madeleines to a wire rack and leave for a few minutes until cool enough to handle. Meanwhile, wash and dry the tin, then repeat the baking as for the first batch.
While the second batch is baking, pop the piping nozzle into the mound in each baked madeleine and squirt in a teaspoon’s worth of lemon curd. Repeat with the second batch, then dust with icing sugar and serve straightaway.
We followed our Suhsi making with a trip to China town, as it's the Chinese new year on the 8th of February, China town is looking distinctly festive.
We mooched round the super markets and bought some bits and bobs, and then we headed to the bakery to get some pudding.
I bought Hayley and I a sweet version of Moon cake (I'm not really into egg, so the savoury one is out) mine was rose flavoured and hers was sesame but had a bovril back taste.
I payed, and then when I was getting my life together I put my bakery goods on the floor. Hayley thought I'd forgotten my shopping and accidentally swiped someone else's stuff.
We didn't realise until we were on the train home and it was wayyy too late to do anything about it.
We're really sorry lady who's mung bean buns we took. :(
For my Birthday Traff got me a sushi making voucher (following Kirstie's rave review of the workshop!).
He hadn't had Sushi before and I got him to try some in Munich- which he hated.
He really doesn't like fish, and apparently the sea weed noori is too "fishy" for his delicate tastes, so he suggested I take someone else with me instead.
Hayley was more than happy to take his place! The workshop was awesome and we made a mountain of sushi.
We stayed afterwards and had some for lunch, and we still ad a box and a half each to take home- I'm going to have mind for lunch tomorrow at work. :D
Monday treats!
Here are all the beautiful things I made with Phil before xmas.
It's just taken ages to get them in the kiln.
I'm really proud of all of them as I haven't done any ceramics before, but I am especially pleased with the mug, the norwich city inspired egg cup, the christmas hippo (my xmas cookie cutters have a hippo in them, i think it's an error but I do think there should be more hippos involved with xmas) and the star bowl.
The moorish designed candle votive now has pride of place in my front room- I'm itching to have another go at it now!
I'm sure I can make more interesting things!