Wednesday 13 August 2014

Bromham mill & Paddle boarding

I took my car for a service today- leaving me stuck in Bromham for a bit- I caught up with Tats in the swan pub (Their tea comes with fudge and is lovely, but we found half a sandwich down the side of the sofa which was gross!).
I worked on my blanket for my Nanna for christmas- The one I've been making since february- It's not difficult, the stitches are basic.It's just small stitches on a small hook and therefore it is time consuming, so I make slow progress every few weeks and then abandon it again- I'm on the 4th ball of wool out of 4 now though, so this is the home straight!
(Then I've just got 3 textile based presents to finish! woop!)

They started serving lunch in the pub and it smelled amazing, so to avoid feeling super hungry we decided to down tools and go for a walk around the mill. It's really beautiful, lots of woodland and wild plants. The had massive dragon files and ducks and I saw my first ever real life heron!
They are more leggy than I had expected.

I picked up the car all clean and waxed and polished, (just as it started to rain) and headed home to pick up the wife to go paddle boarding.

Emma at the lake had warned us that it was windy- and it really was- choppy with massive waves and battling against the wind was very hard work!
I like paddle boarding when it's windy as it's a really good work out and you feel really refreshed and capable. But there is a line. I almost got blown backwards off the board by the wind from kneeling, I didn't even try standing today. Traff did and immediately fell in. Twice. The surf from the waves as they broke over the board was going over my head- so even though I didn't fall in today I looked like I had taken a good dip.
Sometimes the board was almost at 90 degrees to the lake. Like a soggy roller coaster.
After 40 minutes my arms, legs and abs hurt from batting against being run aground/ toppled off/blown over/ pushed by the wind into the others or the wind surfers, so I called it a day.
I hadn't realised how cold I was until I tried to stand up to get off the board and my feet were numb and I was shaking.
Maybe it's almost wet suit weather?

Having not quite punished ourselves enough with epic paddle boarding, We decided a massive clear out of the cupboards was in order- including the loft cupboard.
We managed to get 3 boxes worth of clothes and items for charity, and 2 bin bags of blankets and pillows which we don't need any more.
So that makes up for last months rubbish sorting out performance!
We're still thinking about moving- we're just waiting to see what Traff decides to do work-wise- but obviously the move will be easier the less stuff we have, or hoard, even though we don't really need it.

This resulted in my missing the bake off, and having to watching it back recorded, but the recording failed! I'll never know who got booted off!
I'll have to watch the extra slice to find out now!

I hope it's not Norman, He's my favourite.

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