Thursday 28 June 2012

Fruitful monday

On monday afternoon I "helped" Dorothy to clear out the dark room at work- and for my hard work I was permitted to keep these gems! I can't wait to have a go with the camera and see if I can get it working! its 35 mil film so thats not a problem- I just need some good weather and a nice outdoorys event to take pictures of!

I also saved 30 boxes photographic paper for a friend of mine whos studying photography at uni. so that'll save him a fortune!

it's been quite an exciting two weeks really- last week Jen came to stay as she was running a workshop in bedford- so we went out for dinner on Tavistock street and shared wine! (on a school night! naughty!) then in the twilight we went to the park to see the ducklings- I was wearing my ballerina pumps and got my feet all mosquito bitten.

On friday we saw Sar and Dan and we went out with them on saturday- drinkies in town- it's been so lovely to catch up with people and have a bit of a social life.

I've started to go to aqua aerobics on a monday- its amazing. I get to drift round the divng puul wearing a float and behave very much like a man-o-war jellyfish disrupting everyone else's aerobics. turns out it doesn't matter what kind of aerobics we're doing (step, standard or aqua) I'm still a danger to myself and others.
I've also started swimming. turns out I'm much worse than I remember and I've always swum breast stroke wrong.

now, no one is to panic- my feelings on physical exertion remain the same. I've been going with Helen to keep her company as shes training for an outdoors leader qualification in september- I don't really have an excuse not to go since the pool is at the end of my road and she leaves her bike here.
at least I'm making my membership pay for itself.

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