Wednesday 6 April 2016

Paddle boarding

I actually really enjoyed my paddle out but I am grateful that I went early as by the time I came back in the wind had really picked up.
I was more or less dragged across the car park trying to put the board away! nothing like having a 10ft sale to make walking more of a challenge!

I had a bit of a freak out- the side of the lake nearest the clubhouse was really choppy, so I headed over to the back of the lake where the bridge for the dual carriageway shelters the lake from the wind. on that side of the lake the water was totally flat. It was lovely, it was so still you could see all the plants on the bottom- In fact I saw a live pike! It was longer than my arm!- However, the source of my freak out was looking at the plants in the water I saw a dead carp. I don't really know why, but I had 5 minutes of losing my shit. I screamed, lost my balance and got myself stuck in the reeds directly next to the poor dead bloated fish.
In honesty, seeing a dead fish should not have surprised me at all. it's a lake. it would be odder if there were no fish. I've just never seen any fish before- dead or alive.

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