Sunday 3 April 2016

New Purse

I've had my old purse for years and years. I'm really sentimental when people buy things for me and I'll keep using them long after they're actually functional/nice looking because I feel guilty about throwing them away. The purse in question was a hoochie mamma one that Helen gave me as a birthday present when she was still living in Bedford.
The zipper had gotten all worn out and sometimes it wouldn't open properly- which was a bit awkward when you're trying to pay for things!

Traff and I have this game which started as a joke and is now a "thing". He thinks I have garish taste in objects- especially accessories or homewares (Most of my clothes are black so not all of my tastes can be garish...)
It started when I was sick and we'd first moved to Bedford. I asked Traff to buy me some new PJs from Primark. In an effort to cheer me up he asked the sales assistant to help him pick out "The ugliest" PJs in the shop- I only wanted the bottoms but I am now the proud owner of a set of pink flannel covered in a repeating print of owls. I genuinely loved them. I still do.

So now, whenever I ask Traff to pick me up something in town he tries to get the "ugliest" possible version.

That is what I am now the owner of a textured, plastic, leopard print purse.

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