Tuesday 17 September 2013

Turkish pancakes

I am currently trying to persuade my wife- who is off this week- to make these for dinner sometime before friday.
In reality, I'll probably end up making them (I've sort-of earmarked this as tomorrow nights project).

I'm quite excited for the idea of adding lots of fresh herbs and yummy feta and maybe even some sun dried tomatoes or roasted peppers!
I've never been to Turkey so have no fear of making this without authentic ingredients! I'm just going for things I like.

I've been putting off going food shopping- so I'll make sure I go this evening and pick up the ingredients (it shouldn't be exactly hard to remember- there are only 6 including tap water!) and I'll update as to how they went at the weekend probably.
I'm working late thursday and will be at work until 6pm so if I make them tomorrow and they don't look too fragile I might take some to work with me for dinner.

Turkish pancakes (makes 8)
You will need:


  • 300g plain flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 250ml water

  • 300g feta
  • 400g spinach, chopped
Make it!
  1. Put the flour and salt into a large bowl, make a well in the middle, and slowly mix in the water to form a slightly sticky dough. You may need to adjust the quantity of water - don't get the dough too wet. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead for 5-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. Pop back in the bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the dough into 8 equal pieces. Roll out the first into a circle about 20cm (8 inches) in diameter. Place the spinach and feta in the middle of the dough, then fold over the top and bottom to cover it. Then fold in the sides. Your dough should look like a delicious rectangle.
  3. Heat a little oil over a medium heat in a frying pan. Cook your pancake until it starts to turn golden brown, then flip it over. Brush the top with a little oil or melted butter.
  4. Remove from the pan and serve hot. If you're making a full batch before serving, keep them warm by layering them between pieces of greaseproof paper and placing in a very low oven.
I have been looking for some easy autumn crafts to try- As I've had enough of blackberries, and I can't really make any more alcohol.
And I refuse to make halloween bunting!
Great autumn craft for the kids - mod podge the leaves on..add tea light.
I have just spent all evening washing up jars in order to have a go at making these!

It's autumn leaves and mod-podge- which is basically watered down PVA glue, and then tea lights. all of these things we can do.

I think these look pretty cool.

Update 18/09/13
Just a quick note about the turkish pancakes- we had them for dinner and they're yummy but I'm stuffed after 2 so if you're only making these for 2 people halve the dough quantity!
We used peppers, chives, onions, Vegi bacon and feta cheese- they only thing I'd do differently next time is I'd have a dip to dunk them in!
I used reggae reggae suace today, but something salsa-y would have been lush.
They're quite chewwy- but in a good way- and really crispy on the outside.
The cheese melted completely but remained hot for about 10 minutes after cooking.
I have a burnt lip.

Delicious though, I'll make them again- and they can be made in advance (the dough can be made in advance and you can keep it in the fridge) and fried ready for dinner- and they'd work really well with leftovers.
The dough is quite stretchy and not sticky - and it doesn't seem to mind "sitting".
it took us an hour from making the dough from scratch to plating up- we could only fit 3 at a time into the frying pan, and Traff was frying them as I was rolling the dough and filling them up!

This is a cooking win!

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