I haven't had much to write about this week- work has taken my life over again- I did manage to make a mountain of roasted vegetables on wednesday for dinner, so my cooking success was repeatable! yay!
We went to the vietnamese restaurant on wednesday- Which was as amazing as ever! and I had fried pineapple for afters- and then we had to go for a massive epic walk to try and fight the food baby feeling.
On Friday I went for frozen yoghurt with Traff, Karl Ayesha and Salma I had oreos and strawberries on mine- Karl just had sweets and the girls had fruit- I'd deffo go again as it was lush! It made a good change from going to the pub on a friday anyway!
Traff made a vegetable curry with all the veggies left over from wednesday and Karly came and had dinner, followed by an evening of pirate biscuits and mooching.
So, it's quite good to be able to write about something that isn't food
On saturday Traff and I drove to Birmingham- we booked to stay at the royal george hotel- it looked snazzy on it's website.
It said it was a 4* hotel.
then when we went on to check the post code we realised its "self certified" 4*. So we were a bit worried.. sketchy and some odd reviews on trip advisor- but we just decided everything is an adventure.
When we arrived the hotel was lush.
really really lush.
The whole place was brand new, the carpets were thick enough to break your ankles, the bed was massive, massive shower- even heated towel rails!
I went from worried to delighted.
it does back onto the blues ground though, so for home games I image it would be insanely busy! Thankfully they played away this weekend.

And had a nap for an hour whilst Traff watched the footy.
Just to test the bed like!
We walked into town, which was about 3 miles- to find somewhere to eat dinner- I dunno what happened because we started with loads of time and ended up with bugger all!
We had meant to eat n the bullring but it was jam packed, so we walked to the o2 academy and found a pub serving food opposite.
in honesty, from the outside it looked a bit run down and dodgy, but we were hungry and out of time.
Inside it was rather fabulous!
pub food- does what it says on the tin- and decent drinks prices! we had 2 rounds and got into the venue in time to see the second support act.
Soundgarden were awesome! they played a brilliant set!
my only gripe with going to see 90s bands is that there is a serious lack of gig etiquette. they bloke next to me was dancing like a teapot with his elbows out and now my side is all bruised, and all I could see all evening was the back of the bloke in front of me!
And my brand new boots got squished by so much being stamped on they've got chunks gouged out of them! bah!
After the gig we bought some knock off t-shirts from the bloke outside the venue. mine looks very small for a medium.
Then we headed back to the gay bar for "one last pint" at 11pm.
First round, all went pretty normal.
I headed back to the bar to get the next round in and the barman was like "Do you want to see my c***?" and before I'd said anything he whipped a rubber ladies downstairs department out from under the bar.
I honestly didn't know what to do!
he was so busy playing with it he poured a thatchers gold instead of a McEwans.
the gin took the edge off my surprise!
after those we'd run out of cash, so I went to the loo and Traff went to take the glasses back- when I came back the bar man was yelling at me and Traff was sat at the bar with another round in.
We ended up sat there chatting with the bar men an the regulars until 2am!
We drank quite a lot of alcohol.
we bought rounds, they bought rounds, someone gave me peanut brittle, it was very civilised actually.I have a recollection of eating many bags of crisps to try and sober up. clearly that is a drunk act. I doubt eating crisps would make a dammed jot of difference!
we were chatting with them and they asked where we were staying- so we told them- the looked horrified that we'd planned to walk back.
They were telling us the the pub under the hotel was where they filmed local gang members for some program on organised crime- some ross kemp type thing! eerk!
We shared a taxi back with a bloke names Vince, who was lovely. he told us he'd been to prison, just casually, like it's something you tell people during the course of normal polite conversation.
I'm so curious what for!
He was so kind and polite!
We got back to the hotel not long before 3am, we had to let ourselves in through the side door- and we were so pissed we really struggled to be quiet.
As we'd just got into our room the stag party came in- they did not sound anything like as drunk as we were.
Infact, in the morning I was still drunk with a hangover and they all looked fresh as daisies! they'd upped and gone before I'd even managed to dray my sorry green self to breakfast.
We had a cooked breakfast at the hotel- normally I'm not into fried breakfast but today nothing else would have done!
Traff had to drive us back. I was too hideously hungover.
We stopped after about 20 minutes for emergency hangover curing mini cheddars and sprite. by the time we'd got into warwickshire my headache had subsided.
When we got back into bedford and nipped to morrisons to get pizzas made up for dinner. too poorly feeling to do real cooking.
Duvet. Sofa. TV.
That is all I am good for today!
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