This seems to be going pretty well- and actually I'm feeling better for it so that is a bonus.
Traff is happy has he as discovered "vegetarian sausage rolls" from the freezer section in Tesco- Today he has eaten 6 large size sausage rolls- on top of his normal meals. And it's only lunchtime.
I think it's unfair that he somehow retains his toned physique without exercise and with all this pastry!
Does anyone want to trade me for a boyfriend with a worse metabolism?
It'd make me feel better...
Now, this shift in Diet means we can no longer shop in Aldis- they only sell Quorn mince. and it's quite difficult to plan a weeks worth of appealing meals just using quorn mince.
yeah, theres spagbol and enchiladas and chilli... but eventually that gets a bit boring...
So, to tesco, to take advantage of their excellent frozen vegi food section.
This has also led us to discover the "world food isle" (where the gravy granules are- weirdly enough).
They sell loads of irish foods and Indian and Japanese and African and Pakistani food products- And a growing polish food section- which I have yet to expolore
Traff wanted to buy Lucky charms, but they're £5 per box.
They sell the american flavours of pop tart.
I have been systematically trying them- Last week I had the fudge sundae ones- and they're pretty amazing but super sickly.. too sickly for a breakfast food.
So this week I am trialling Oreo cookies and creme and chocolate chip. So far I favour cholcolate chip- which if I'm honest was the underdog flavour.
In the interest of fairness, I ad pop tarts for breakfast and lunch today to be able to compare them more effctively.. or thats what I'm telling myself anyway.
I wish we had more pop tart flavours in the UK- Although I am equally grateful that we do not as I'd be the size of a house.
Buuuttttt I REALLY want to try these ones...
I mean, look- 6 vitamins and minerals- that is practically a health food...
As those of you who know me will already know- I'm on a pretty restricted diet (hence the switch to vegetarian foods- it's a long story) as I've been poorly- So no cupcakes under normal circumstances, or spicy food, or cheese, or pasta, or Ice cream etc.. or anything interesting at all really- Pop tarts are pretty much my only vice! even the Gin is reserved for very special occasions.
My discovery that I can eat pop tarts will most probably spiral out of control pretty quickly.
Traff used to refer to my diet as the "couscous and paracetamol diet" I think that will soon be "pop tart and paracetamol".
Today I attempted to be productive- Last weekend we cleared my parents loft for them to get ready for their house move.
They gave us their 3 packing crates of records and we're taking them to sell to one of Traff's old work colleagues in Peterborough On sunday- hopefully we'll also see Andy and get to go to the beach...
I had a look through them today to decide which ones I wanted to keep- As Helen gave us the record deck which fits with Traff's big sony stereo system- so once we have either:
a) more space - I.e buy a house
b) reorganise the front room
We will be able to play our growing record collection.
I also saved madness and pink floyd records for Jess- Now I just have to remember to take them to Sarah's Wedding...
I see nothing that could possibly go wrong here..
Anyways, we're off to london now to see mudhoney and the meat puppets- and for a mooch about in Camden.
It has to be a mooch as we're both skintos from buying so many imported poptarts (and a new car). Please someone teach me to demonstrate self restraint!
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