My Nanna came to stay with us on Saturday afternoon- we went into town and tea tea and fruit toast and a good old chinwag in Debenhams cafe- and later in the evening we went out for some drinks to the park pub.
On Sunday we went to Waddesdon Mannor and we met my Parents and my sister there- It's a really beautiful house and grounds- I don't think I've ever been there before.
I do realise that recently I've visited a great many National trust or English heritage houses- I should perhaps invest in some membership of at least one of them!...
We walked around the grounds, and then went to have a picnic- You've heard enough about my ham sandwiches- and we brought cupcakes and pink n white wafers- My mum had made sausage rolls and my sister had truly raided Millets farm shop- more sausage rolls- PYO strawberries and the most delicious (If tooth breakingly solid- they're deffo a dunking biscuit) Fruit Shrewsbury's.
All washed down with national trust tea.

Mum managed to get My sister, Nanna and I tickets to go round the inside of the mannor house- it's breathtakingly impressive!
I have even found the perfect interior decoration for our bedroom when we buy a house.. watch this space..

Loads of amazing chandlers - and silver- and plates, and a button collection to rival than of Miss Jennifer heaps!

There was also an exhibition on linen folding- which I had a go at at the end of the tour of the house and I made a paper folding shoe!
OK, I didn't mean to- There was a video tutorial so I just followed it- at the end we realised there was a selection of things we could have made- including fish and frogs.
And the shoe was blooming tricky too!

I have also entered the National Trust prize door for £1 for a £10,000 prize- I'll let you know if we win!
After all our walking about we were rewarded with ice-creams! huzzah! too much sitting about outside means I now have a sunburned face.

We spent the evening watching TV and mooching about- there was an amazing program on about the suffragettes!
On Monday we went for lunch and a walk around priory marina to make the most of the last of the good weather.
We walked the whole way round the lake once, and the whole way round the lake including the finger lakes too- then into town and up through town via a care for some much needed tea and cake!

We started walking at 10:30 and got home at 4:15.
That is an impressive walk!
On Tuesday we will most probably go for lunch in town, and perhaps visit some of the shops and mooch- the weather is forecast to be very poor.
So it's just as well we've made the most of it!
On a side note- it's been a rather busy kind of a weekend- Sophie's brother- Ben got married to Gerry, Michelle got to drive her new car as a wedding car and my parents are waiting to hear if their house offer has been accepted- and my mum has been accepted to have her hip replaced- we don't know how long she'll have to wait yet, but that has to be good news!
Oh, and no-one is to get any funny ideas as Traff has added my mum on facebook as his "mother in law". We didn't elope- he just thought it'd wind her up!
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