This was ranked amongst the very best gigs I have ever been to- It venue was the forum, in Kentish town, and it's a beautiful, intimate, tiered venue- So not only was the gig AWESOME I could see the band too!
Lets start back at the start.
We got into london about 5- got on the tube up to camden.
On saturday morning I had bust into the bathroom whilst Traff was in the bath and refused to leave until he agreed that we could have camden market food for dinner.
He was as good as his word.
It's been a quite a while since I've been to camdone- probably January with Tony and Marissa- so I was hopeful there would be something I could eat.
I am delighted to report that there is a delicious moroccan food stand now!
You should try the chickpeas.

Traff had Tofu in blackbean sauce- he'd never had Tofu before but seems to be a convert- although half way through he made me taste it "to check it isn't meat". It was deffo Tofu.
Who could mistake that weirdly too springy texture and bizzare sensation of eating something which has no taste.
I'm all for Tofu. Just, not in my dinner.

After food we decided to walk to Kentish town- I thought I know where we were going and I was right! but managed to take us to kentish town east station- not the main one so we spent 20 minutes walking around looking confused.
By the time we found the forum all the pubs were jam packed- we'd got to the point where buying some cans from the off-licence and going to sit in the chruch graveyard looked good when I spotted a cool bar.
As you come out of kentish town station, turn right, walk past the pub but before the canteen restaurant there is a flight of stairs which go down.
That is the speakeasy cocktail bar.

I had a singapore gin sling. Traff had a bottled beer and ketp telling me the bar was "ridicules"
I quite liked it.

And on to the gig..
I was really good in Camden and I didn't buy anything except dinner- we got to the gig and Traff really wanted a meat puppets t-shirt so we queued up- then he realised he could buy a signed mudhoney poster for our literal "hall of fame" and he didn't have enough money for both- So I bought him a T-shirt and So I'd spent all my money- then I had to go get out more cash so we could have beer-and-gins.
So much for restraint!
It was a cool t-shirt though.
The meat puppets were my favourite- even though they have a new album out they still played loads of older stuff so we were able to sing along- including many of the songs nirvana covered for their unplugged in new york.
happy happy.

Traff thought Mud honey were better but I don't rate them so much!
Tell Traff to try pan fried salted Tofu if he gets a chance. Yum yum