Once the records were all gone we headed out to the beach.
When we planned this- weeks ago- the weather was actually pretty good but sunday here was cold, grey and windy.
Perfect. :S
We went to Snettisham first and had chippys by the Caravan park... they boys followed their chips with ice cream but I was already wearing 4 layers of clothing (the outer most of those being my coat) and gloves and a scarf.
Not dressed for ice cream.

Snettisham beach was disappointing- for a start it seems to be made out of gravel. which is very uncomfortable to walk on.
We mooched about for a bit but it was just so windy we gave up and headed back to the car to warm up.

We decided to try a bit further up the coast- and headed to Heacham- the beach still was gravelly but it had a promenade and a funfair and all the things seafronts usually have- And we had fresh doughnuts on the Quayside.
I'd forgotten how delicious they are- I think I only ever eat properly fresh doughnuts at Truck festival- and the last time I went to that was years ago!

and no, I did not elbow all the small children out of the way, I queued up nicely.

I tried to persuade everyone that they wanted to go to the sealife centre but I was overruled and had my arse kicked at crazy golf instead.
Which is really not the same thing at all.

We headed back to peterborough about 5, and went to see Traffs uncle and aunt. they gave us tea. :)
We left Peterborough about 7 and got into town about 8- we couldn't be arsed to cook so we went for dinner at frankie and bennys.
Traff's choice.
Although somehow I paid.
Then home for more tea and an episode of house.
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