1) buy the damn bridesmaids shoes!
2) Go to grafton water with Traff.
On friday I got in from work and Traff was cleaning our our last remaining fish tank- Which we assumed contained Swimmy McNolegs (the slightly odd funfair goldfish) and Dale-the-snail- who we acquired by accident on a live plant we bought from pets at home.
(He used to live in aunt Edies tank, but since she sadly passed, we put him in with Swimmy- no sense to keeping a 30l tank for a snail.. right?)
We'd assumed he was under the castle, so we weren't too worried we hand't see him for a few days.
So we carefully took out all swimmy's plants and rocks and then his castle- no Snail, so we searched all his tank ornaments- still no snail.
I jokingly said to Traff "Oh, fatboys eaten his friend" and Traff laughed and carried on looking... 15 minutes later we started to think the worst..
I checked online and it said "Small goldfish will not eat Snails, however, larger goldfish will eat anything that will fit in their mouths"
Traff was like "surely he couldn't have eaten a whole snail.."
And no-legs obligingly opened his mouth as wide as it would go.. which was quite a bit bigger than poor dale.
So we must assume that be became an interesting snack. poor bugger.
I went to my parents on Friday evening- Which was really lovely- My sister was over too so we all mooched about drinking tea and watched the program on the BBC about re-creating Jane Austen's descriptions of the balls in pride and prejudice.
It was quite rude.
They talked for a full 10 minutes about how breaches are designed to show off a mans downstairs department.
My father was largely oblivious to what was going on and about 3 minutes later decided Ray and I should have a joint pride and prejudice style wedding.
My mother decided my father should wear a dress for modesty. He spent the rest of the evening looking a bit hurt and confused.
On saturday Mum and I went to swindon (Ray went to s spa at the the Hilton in Bracknell- I didn't know Bracknell even had a hilton? it must have gone up in the world)
I did get my shoes for the Wedding- Debenhams did us proud once more!
I also went to House of Fraser and bagged myself some bargains from Therapy! I got the red coat which I've posted below and I got a cute blue skirt with a blue and white waistband- I pretty much never buy clothes- last time I bought anything was in the january sales and before that? no idea.
the coat was £30 reduced from £100
The skirt was £7.50 reduced from £32
I was feeling pretty pleased with myself.
I also bought Kirstie's Birthday present- but I won't tell you what it is! :P
We also wen't to swindon Octogon for lunch- This place is so 70s it hurts- but I seriously recommend it- it's such a bargain place and the food is amazing (especially the cakes- and very generous servings of tea..)
I was trying to be a bit good and healthy- so I was looking at having soup- I turned round and my mum ordered us both massive bacon baguettes.. so I thought I may as well have a Giant millionaires shortbread to go with it (In for a penny, in for a pound- the lb kind in this case...)
It was awesome.
You can't beat a bacon sandwich - especially not on a rainy day!
We headed back to my parents- and they gave us their old house phone handset- as ours is a big button kind with a cord- and they gave us has an answer phone.
My Dad took it into work when they replaced the phone at my parents with a better one- and now the power station has closed they don't need it anymore...
So we're rehoming it!
(so now, you can call and leave us a message! that makes us sound like real adults!)
I got back really late because of the crazy rain. it was insane! I need another setting on my windscreen wipers- I had intended to grab a ready meal or something on my way home, but I was driving with so much concentration I forgot.
I got home with that feeling you've forgotted something.
I ended up buying dinner from Waitrose at about 9pm! it was worth the wait though- Goats cheese and Red onion Ravioli.
Today Traff and I were going to go to Grafton water- So that he could practice driving the car. We got to the end of the road and the "toxic emission" light came up on the dashboard.
So we just had to turn round and come home.
I tried putting more oil in t see if that would make the light go off. but it didn't. That is sort of the extent of my car fixing ability.
I have a man coming to fix it on Tuesday- so please everyone keep their fingers and toes crossed for good weather for my cycle ride to and from work for the next 2 days... or longer if it turns out that the car needs more parts.
So today has been a lazy one. And a slightly stressful one. but I can always wear my new coat to cheer myself up...
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