And I did buy a car.
Not the car I proposed to buy.
In fact, not even a car I'd heard of before I went to the Garage.
Traff and I were looking at the cars on the forecourt to see if they had a 2010 or 2011 plate Auris or a Yaris for us to test drive- and there, in the middle of the forecourt was this Bright orange, 2013 plate Aygo.
So We're dancing round the car "I go, he goes, she goes, they go, we all go.." taking the piss out of the name, and I turn round and theres a sales bloke.
"Oh would you like to test drive it?"
Best way out of an awkward situation.. "yes, of course we would".
It drives very nicely.
So I was still laughing- the second time in a month I've driven a brand new car (see courtesy car saga) and I was saying to Traff we'd never afford it.
So we went to speak to the sales guy- and I was totally prepared to fight off all their sales patter to the point of aggression.
"you don't pay any road tax as the emissions are low"
"you get a years free insurance"
"you get 0% finance"
"it's within your budget"
I was still arguing it was too expensive and I'd like to drive a bigger car and its expensive and is it really such good value? lalala.. and then I realised I was just being deliberately difficult.
That is a rather awesome deal.
They even threw in a USB port on the CD player.
So I paid the desposit. And they're ordering me the car. and I will have a new car in about a week!
I feel giddy with the immenseness of this decision.
I've never had a brand new car before.
This feels like insanity.
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