Traff put our christmas tree up whilst I was at work on tuesday- we have a black christmas tree and last year I decorated it silver and pint and it looked REALLY smart.
Traff's decorated it with my red and white decorations from poundland- I got them when we lived in the Birthdir! haha
there is just not accounting for taste...
Never mind, at least the tree is up! now I can put all the presents I've so carefully wrapped under it!
(I'm not gloating or anything, but I have finished my christmas shopping.. I'm just saying..)
I've booked my flights and hotel to go to Geneva in march with my work colleagues- I'm pretty excited for this as it'll be a proper adventure!
We get to have a guided tour by a research scientist and see some of the projects that are currently being worked on- which will be awesome.
I went to a craft evening on Tuesday with michelle- and before we went I cooked dinner (It cooked much faster once I turned the hob on.. )
We went to the craft evens that run at 229 in kempston- the lady who runs it is an angel- shes so kindly and patient! (they start at 7:30 too- so you can have dinner too!) AND they serve cake and tea whilst you're crafting!
Anyway, it was a christmas theme.
We were supposed to make hanging decorations from embroidery hoops.
I did make a hanging picture, but I made mine with a russian doll motif on it. Traff asked me why I'd embroidered a picture of a sleeping bag.
Michelle made a very retro looking table decoration.
And we ate cake!
Today I booked Deftones tickets for February for Traffs Xmas present- So that will be good fun!
And we get another adventure for free because we have to go to Birmingham. Hopefully by train.
I'm also off to cardiff with Kirstie next month- We've booked our winter wonderland tickets already! now its just the hotel and train tickets to sort out...
I'm excited to let my hair down and see everyone again. I miss you welsh people!
We're hoping to go on the cardiff eye. with wine.
and now I'm contemplating booking some fairport convention tickets...
I love them too much!

Look up their song "matty groves"! it's super-awesome!
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