Wednesday 31 October 2012

Sunday- My Croatian birthday!

Cards! :) on holidays!

More teeny weeny streets- we were looking for the theatre museum and the ethnographic museum.

Jars in someones kitchen window- with faces!

The Ethnographic museum was really cool- its in an old grain store which is weird- and its got medieval paintings on the walls- medieval grafiti! mostly religious.

These are Wedding night quilts- the pattern is "thrusting mushrooms". I will never think of mushrooms in the same way again!

Mum and the mushrooms.

National dress.

We then went to the theatre museum. which was weird. really really weird. and like 3 items.

From there we went to the rectors palace:

inside the palace they had an exhibition of war photographs- its really sad- especially when you think the children in the photos are maybe in their 30s- they're our age! the destruction of the city was scary. you can see it in the photos of the city from the walls- the brightly coloured rooves have had to be replaced as they were bombed.

there was a state funded Dispensing chemist in the rectors palace for the poor- these are their jars!

Smiley birthday fruit plate!

It was piddling down and all our shoes were wet- so we had dinner in the hotel. followed by drinks.. and more drinks..

Birthday champagne cocktails!

Birthday cake.. although, it's more of a mousse.

more birthday cocktails.. my mum has a photo pf me adorning the lions on the hotel stairs with umbrellas... a good day and a good evening was had by all (especially the lions)

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