A toast to the happy couple.
23rd August
We headed up to cardiff on Friday morning as Traff worked a night shift thursday-friday. I drove and he was supposed to have a sleep in the car.
I put blankets and pillows on the back seats to facilitate the sleeping. So he gets in the front. fair play Miss Contrary.
We drove to my parent's house in Didcot and got there just before 9.
In honesty I was expected to need to wait for the traffic to clear when I arranged to have a breakfast stop- but the roads were pretty clear- we must have been following the traffic.
We had our vegi bacon rolls and had tea with my Dad and John before heading off- they've ben tasked with re-painting the walls downstairs at my parents ready for it to be let- apparently the colour my Dad used last time "made it look like a hospital".
I quite liked it.
So I think they were grateful for the excuse to mooch for a bit.
We got into Cardiff about 1- parked up on City road by the church (2 hours free, it's like Cardiff's best kept secret parking place.. except I've just broadcast it on the internet..)
We did some record shopping at the record exchange on Macintosh place (Traff got an Alice in chains Rooster single, Rock Lobster, and a Heart Album. I got the entire fairport convetion catalogue in a 4 disk massive edition with ribbons.. We spent the same in the end- all of them for £20- The guy who owns the shop is really sweet and always offers really good discount if you buy a couple of things- And his record prices are much better than Camden or Cambridge which are normally our only options..)

Then we had lunch in Tea and Cake.
And possibly for the fist time ever I was restrained and DIDN"T have cake- Just a goats cheese and caramelised onion panini.
After all that driving I'd definitely earned my all time favourite sandwich!
Once we'd Eaten and had a walk around we headed over to James and Lis's in Barry so that the boys could try their suits on and make sure they fitted.
Lis practically had to dress Traff herself as he'd gotten quite tired and grumpy.
Although, he did cheer up when she let him play with the kitten.
24th August
On Saturday morning I had to get at the hairdressers in Canton by 10am.
I took the magnitude of this instruction very seriously.
I woke up at dawn in a huge panic thinking I'd slept through my alarm. And couldn't get back to sleep.
Lis gave me a lift into town and we had a chat- I ended up being early as Lis is super organised and so had time to go to the bakery and buy welshcakes for breakfast!
By the time we'd all had our hair curled and organised it was gone 1pm- We went back to sarah's house and found everything, loaded the cars, got everyone into the cars and set off for the hotel in cardiff - as we were coming off the flyover it was 2:30.
People kept overtaking us to have a look at sarah- as the hairdresser put her Tiara and Veil on for her so she couldn't take them off.
She looked like a runaway bride!

That was the point sarah started to flap- we had 1 hour to get everyone dressed, laced, made up, feed the baby and to the venue.
We did it though!
The only thing we didn't have time for was to put ribbons on the wedding cars. Which is impressive.
And we forgot to eat. Just as well I thought to eat welshcakes for breakfast!

Everything else went without a hitch.
The cars were all outside- Trist took a shortcut to buy us some extra time! winner!
Sarah's car waited by the national museum of Wales whilst we shoo'd everyone inside- Then the photographer came and took photos of all of us- and Sarah- and her family before the wedding.
And the registrar came and explained the ceremony and went through the marriage certificate.
Sarah turned to me and was like "Please tell me Traff isn't planning anything during the "speak now or forever hold your peace"
I honestly hadn't thought to threaten him to behave during that.
I assured her he wasn't and hoped to god that James would sit on him if he tried anything!
Everyone behaved and the ceremony was really short and sweet- no readings- just the formal exchange of vows and the signing of the register.

After I took this there was a professional group photo with all the bridesmaids and groomsmen- Traff was stood behind me. he was like "you scrub up ok" and looked quite surprised.
on the way out he run up behind me, grabbed my bum and was like "look, I've already pulled a bridesmaid".
So I hit him in the face with my bouquet.

The last time we were all at cityhall was for graduation in 2009.
We're better dressed this time round.

After the photos, we went back upstairs and had dinner- which was delicious- the room looked brilliant! Really fancy!

After dinner there were speeches- Traff and James wrote their speech the night before and it was brilliant!
My only complaint was that it didn't start "As you know, Today is a very important day... Norwich are playing Hull away"
they were worried about too many football jokes.
During the speeches I held Alice. Like a pro!

The evening was ace! lots of Gin and dancing to the specials.
No-one ended up in the fountain, and Jay managed to convince (a very drunk) Tristrum that it's traditional for someone to Sit on the bride during the first dance.
Thankfully he didn't.
It was close though.
We partied until 1am.
Got home about 2. Went to bed nearer 3.
25th August
Funnily enough we had a lie in today.
Got up late, had cups of tea and played with the kitten.
I drove us all into town so James, Lis and Tim could go to the cinema and pick up Lis's car from the day before.
We went to Lloyds for brunch.
On the way home we stopped off in Bristol to meet my parents, sister and John- Today is Ray's birthday and my mum took her to have cocktails at the Bristol hotel.
They serve them with gin cocktails.
The cocktail comes in a teapot.
It sounds awesome!
We had a cuppa in town and a walk round the handmade market stall before heading off about 5- Traff managed to leave bristol and rejoin the M4 to south wales.
*shakes head*
We ended up coming back on the M5 and going through witney.
Looonnggg drive.
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