Today I met Amanda and Cheryl in London- As Cheryl lives there full time and Amanda moved there yesterday to start her now job- how exciting! we started our day at Hyde park- unfortunately we didn't find the "senior" play park- maybe next time when the weather is a little warmer!
As you can see- Hyde park was still pretty stick-like and not very spring like just yet- but we had really lovely weather and a good old walk.
Amanda and Cheryl by the lake- no ducklings yet though- Amanda was very keen to go out in a pedal-lo. maybe in the summer.
Some Ducks living in the fountain at Marble arch- It looks like the have a fancy mansion and swimming pool! haha
A slightly more spring like looking part of the park. I bet this will be beautiful in a few weeks when the suns been out for a bit longer!
I didn't take my camera with me to london today as I wanted to take a cardigan for when we went to fortnum and masons- so I was taking pcitures on my phone- I haven't mastered the zoom but if you look in the very far distance you can see the horseguards from the palace practicing on the road! Amazing!
I've been to london sooooo many times and never seen that!
Marble arch. in the sun! Yay! Sun!
The Ritz- I've never actually seen the Ritz "in person" before- it's not as impressive as I had expected for such an expensive place- but I'm sure the inside is Glorious.
We went to Fortnum and masons for Ice cream sundaes- but first we went for a mooch about in the shop- lots of very expensive and beautifully packaged teas and coffees and biscuits- this is the counter where they grind your coffee to your exact specifications and blends!
this is one hell of a way to sell jams! They sell Rose Jelly- which looked a bit creepy but I'm sure is totally delicious.
This is the Patisserie counter- look look look! this is awesome! next time I am in london I'd like to have fortnum and mason cakes please!
Amanda and her massive Ice cream Sundae!
My tea and ice- cream!
After tea and ice cream Tony came and met us and we walked through the arcades and did some window shopping.
All in all, a day very well spent- especially being outside in the sunshine!
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