Monday 11 February 2013

The magnificent Ms Jennifer Heap, and her seemingly unlimited talents.

No. This is not the title of a dirty film.
Sorry to disappoint.

Now, as you saw from my post on saturday I'm having a bit of a nightmare finding a dress for Hednas that I
a) like
b) can afford
c) doesn't need posting from america
d) doesn't need me to have a pay pal account

and most importantly

e) has a zip.

I was planning to get a dress made through a website I'd found- but on speaking to Jen she very kindly offered to make me a dress.
I am very impressed. and Excited. and grateful for her help and kindness. maybe she'll teach me to make a dress! or just how to thread my sewing machine. that would be a good start!

I feel very important having a dress made for me!

I really wanted a pale blue dress- so Jen's going to make it from pale blue dupion silk- maybe a little darker than this one:

She's going to make it from this pattern-it's a little late for hednas- as hednas is a 40s evening, but this is very similar to late 40s early 50s styles- it's just lower cut on the front. I like this style of dress very much so it'll get plenty of wearing!

The pattern is now on order and then it's just to order the fabric.

I'm super excited! I can't wait!
I've already decided I'm going to wear it with my turquoise silk scarf as a sash/cover up, my navy blue corde designer bag and possibly my 1930s silk shoes.
and of course my stole Traff bought me. It will only be march after all!

I've been fussing so much about a dress- it's a relief now that I can relax and stop stressing! Sorted! it is all now in the hands of the wonderful Jen! (no pressure. :P )

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