Saturday 9 February 2013

Dresses, Oakham, Rockets and sleepovers

On friday my sister came to stay with Traff and I- we watched "you've been framed" and had hot chocolate.
Today My sister and I went to Oakham - its a really lush town! lots of awesome cafes and independent shops- I can't believe we found it by accident. Worth the drive for an adventure!

And we had to cross the level corssing. so Ray was really at home.

Although our real mission was to go and try on some vintage dresses- you'll have to forgive my range of facial expressions- I've never been photogenic:

This was my second favourite dress- look how teeny weeny my waist is! it's a bit too late in the era for hednas and I'm not sure baby pink offsets my beautiful red irish glow in quite the way I'd like.

I'd have liked this dress if it had actually finished at my waist rather than ended up being an "empire" dres

This is a proper 50s prom dress- it's a bit Morticia Addams though! It was very cool but probably a bit much for Hednas.

This was the £600 Dior dress! It didn't do up which saved me the heartache of having to decide that I didn't want it. Probably the most expensive dress I'll ever wear!

And this was the one I went for- I've been telling peope all week that I want to own this dress:

looks good, right? one slight snag- It doesn't have a zipper. or any other kind of fastening. so the lady had to pin me into it.
She had a zip but she hadn't fitted it yet and if I wanted to buy the dress she said it would cost me less to find someone to fit the zip rather than her doing it. now, had it been any other modification I'd probably have taken it on- but I have 3 dresses and a pair of boots that need re-zipping because I lack the skills.
the cheapest I've found re-zipping dresses round here is £25. the dress was £100. so already this is becoming very expensive...

now, you might still be thinking- "It's just a zip- it's an awesome dress- why didn't you just get it?"
There was another, slight hitch:

The last 3 inches of zipper (had there been one) would not have done up.
So then we get into the land of eyelets and boning and ribbons and modesty panels.

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