On Friday morning Jen came to fit me for my Hednas dress- turns out my waist is skinnier than I thought! it's a shame about the rest of me!
So not it's all pinned ready for the finishing touches and its gorgeous!
It will be fir for very much twirling.
I had wanted to go to Barry Island for a dip but it started to snow- Even I'm not hardy enough for a paddle in the snow- so we headed off to tea and cake for some lunch, and then to Penarth once the weather was more settled.
I had wanted to go on the pier, but it was closed for renovation.
Why is the sea brown in Penarth?
Jen, looking a bit windswept.
Traff Skimming stones on the beach in a very enthusiastic manner.
Jen & I on the seafront. bloody freeezing!
After our beath front super freezing adventure, we went for a hot chocolate in spoons and Traff did a spot of charity shop shopping for James's birthday present.
He'd already got him a card and a DVD- so he got him some more jokey items from charity shops including atank top and 50 shades of grey.
He also got a helium balloon which we had to sellotape into a bag to stop it escaping.
In the evening we went to El pasos with EVERYONE! and we got to wear sombreros. I love El Pasos on City road- its brilliant! the best mexican food I'v ever eaten.
And we were served by Pepe himself.
He gave me a free mohito and Traff got a shot of snake tequila.
Saturday: We got up pretty late.. James went to town to get his hair cut- and Traff, Lis and Tim went too- it took much longer than expected so I got all of lis's beauiful house to myself to get dressed and do my make up and everything.
We ended up eating breakfast at 3pm.
fry ups are just as delicious at 3pm as 10am.
Then we went Go Karting in Newport!
It was freeeezing
We went to Sarah and Dan's after Go Karting for tea and JD and got changed from our sensible trainers and jeans into our party clothes.
To Cardiff!
On the bus.
As you can see- Tim very much loves the bus.
We went for dinner in spoons and pitchers of cocktails- then on to barocco- which is much bigger than it looks from the street.
I liked it very much- Gutted I've never been in there before this weekend! They serve cocktails in jam jars!
We went from Barocco to the Old library- until 3am. Sarah Acquired a weirdo.
But all in all a good time was had.
We stopped on chippy lane for chips (funnily enough) and it was bonkers. Sarah acquired another weirdo who squeezed her bum in the chip shop!
Chips in the Taxi Queue.
We got in at 4am, got up at 11. Bacon sandwiches at 1 and then home via my parents house for a pick n mix tea!
And now, I've watched call the midwife and I'm ready for a bath and bed.