We went to Selfridges to get the last of my mums xmas shopping and we were going to have afternoon tea- except there was a massive queue- so we ended up going to debenhams instead.
Just as good.
Everyone knows my love for Debenhams Cafe.
Then we went to liberty and had a bit of a mooch about which was lush. it was nice to catch up with all everyones news. And we went to the Xmas shop- I tried to get something red and white to go on our arsenal themed xmas tree.
London was really busy and full of people carol singing and even fake snow.
View from the top floor of libety- in the Xmas shop!
Interesting pictures- I want some!
Unusual use of Xmas decorations in Liberty.
The nutcracker selfridges window display- very girly and festive!
Liberties Xmas lights- I've never been in liberty before. its amazing!
Window displays in selfridges! awesome! they all have a pantomime theme- although, we couldn't guess this one! any ideas?
My mum on Santas lap in selfridges!
we had to elbow small children out of the way- this year I didn't sign Traff up for a letter from santa... although theres still time...
now, That is a gingerbread house.
Apparently this man is dressed as a "pearly king" from the east end of london - I think my mum and Nan are having me on! this cannot be a genuine fashion!
How many men would have the patience to sew all those dutti mother of pearl buttons onto all their outfits?!
I did have a good day,
However I also witnessed the darker side of peoples "festive spirit" today. there were hundreds of people everywhere.
Hundreds of people went through the entrance to picadilly circus station.
They all walked past a homeless bloke. who was passed out. and purple. and swollen up from the cold.
I called him an ambulance.
I was scared he was dead. it's been so cold.
I can't believe people will spend hours queueing up to get into hamleys or harrods or any other london shop- but won't spend 5 minutes to check if someone is OK.
It made me so angry and frustrated.
We're all going about doing our festive shopping and sending cards about "goodwill to all men" but we don't have the time for other people- not even to check if they're ok.
My new years resolution is to be a better person. And to be more proactive in doing things that help other people. I figure those people will return the favour. and that will make people kinder towards each other.
I guess we have to start somewhere.
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